Another week down with new symptoms in tow. I'm really having a hard time grasping the fact that I'm closing in on 6 months of pregnancy. Is there a pause button on this thing? I'm not ready yet! I want to meet this little girl more than anything but I'm still trying to savor every moment of this pregnancy and I feel like somewhere in the last few weeks someone hit the fast forward button. Thankfully, this past weekend the hubs and I took full advantage of some downtime and had blast celebrating Easter with our family in Alabama. I stuffed this kid with as much southern cooking as this little body of mine would allow ... I was in food heaven. #Iatefor4 #sorrynotsorry
Our weekend included a lot of back porch sitting, full tummies, and endless chats with family. It was the perfect escape coming off an incredibly hard week. We attended Easter Service at a "Little White Church" that was built in the 1800's ... it's a beautiful little church that our family attends every year. It's one of my favorite Easter traditions because its really centered around our family considering only 5 of the 30 people in attendance weren't kin. After church, we all go back to our Aunt's house and slip into a food coma, share some laughs, and fight over the banana pudding. I can't wait to share these memories with Mykenzi next Easter.
I have been quite the Productive Penny this past week. I am still waiting on my beads for the mobile but have since started getting the other supplies together so when they finally arrive I can dive right into the project. I'm super excited and I may or may not obsessively stalk my tracking number. #creeperstatus I have also ordered my Baby Shower and Maternity Shoot dresses. I'm hoping this is a blessing and not a curse like the purchasing of my Easter Dress ... or shall I say, Dresses.
On to this week's stats ... got some new symptoms in play these days.
How far along? 23 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain? 12.6lbs ... this was was before Easter weekend ... with the amount of food I ate this weekend I'm sure we can tack on a few more pounds.
Maternity clothes? Starting to embrace how comfortable maternity clothes are ... although I do still tend to rock my stretchy dresses for the most part ... and when I don't have to be publicly acceptable I live in these stretchy soft PJ's I got for my birthday. They are so comfortable I've considered wearing them in public on more than one occasion.
Stretch marks? No marks but my belly has definitely been doing a whole lotta stretchin' ... I'm hoping I don't see them anytime soon.
Sleep? Sleep is going well ... I'm still surprised at how much sleep my body wants but I'm trying to get it while I can ... I know my sleeping days are numbered.
PEAK of the week? Definitely Easter weekend. It was a much needed break.
PIT of the week? Coming back to reality after a great weekend. I also learned that my Doctor's wife was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer ... so if you have a spare moment please pray for strength for his family as they navigate this difficult road. It's hard walking into appointments celebrating a new life knowing he is dealing with some extremely difficult circumstances personally ... and I'm sure work is the last place he wants to be.
Miss anything? I miss being able to do fun stuff. The boys went four-wheeling this weekend and I had to sit on the sidelines. Sometimes being a sacred vessel sucks the fun out of things but it's all worth it in the end ... I won't be pregnant forever.
Movement? Wiggles for days! It's fun to watch her contort my belly based on her movements ... we like to play "Where's Mykenzi?"
Food cravings? Chick-fil-a Chicken Mini's ... seriously, I'm obsessed. I'm up to 2 4-counts in one sitting. #oinkoink On the healthier end of the spectrum ... I'm back on a Watermelon kick.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Kitty breath ... good gracious my girls have some stinky yawns.
Gender? Team Pink
Symptoms? Well, heartburn has made its debut and there is no "burn" about it ... it's like sharp daggers all the way down my esophagus. I also experienced some slight swelling in my feet and ankles this weekend. I think it was from being confined to a car for hours but its definitely something I'm keeping an eye on. The swelling went down right away once I was propped up and relaxed so I'm hoping this won't continue to be a huge issue. #fingerscrossed
Belly button in or out? Flat ... and smooth. It looks weird.
Happy or moody? Feeling pretty good this week hoping it sticks around ... hoping to get some beach time in this week that always perks me up ... and yes, I know I need to wear extra sunscreen.
Milestones? New symptoms which means baby girl is growing like she should.
Looking forward to? Our Anniversary! We are doing a staycation/babymoon this year. I'm excited to spend some time off celebrating with the hubs and soaking up some sunshine ... last vacation time he will have before we become a family of 3! Crazy!
Upcoming Appts/Events? Appt & Anniversary May 7th
Loved the photos from that little white church! While I miss the feeling of the baby moving around, I do not miss heartburn! (And you've seen my hairy little guys! ) savor these weeks and moments bc it doesn't slow down once the baby arrives! And I'm definitely excited to see this mobile come together (meanwhile, I'll be working on a burlap wreath) love and miss yall tons! And I will keep your Dr's family in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteha I feel you on the pet's with atrocious breath. My dog Finn has the WORST and I make sure to always tell him his breath is the worst (but his face the cutest!) What day are you going out on Maternity leave? I am scheduled for July 18th and so excited! Also the hubs is totally fighting me on maternity photos - I need to crack him!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually left the workforce when I found out I was pregnant. The morning sickness was pretty severe plus the few complications we had in the beginning. I felt unreliable and didn't feel like I was able to give 100% so I started maternity leave 8 months early. Lol. Our plan was for me to be a SAHM for at least the first year anyway ... it just started a little earlier than we anticipated. July 18th will be right around the corner for you! I also read that you don't have to go back until the first of the year, that is amazing!
DeleteHappy for you
ReplyDeleteGirl, get on that 4 Wheeler if you want to! Tiff rode one until the week before Jace was born. Just don't jump any hills and you'll be okay!!