Friday, August 15, 2014

39 Weeks

39 Weeks has been interrupted by Labor & Delivery!

Say Hello,

Mykenzi Elaine
7lbs 2oz, 20 1/4" Long

We are finally home and getting settled in.  I'll be sharing the nursery and my birth story soon!

But for now, I'll be loving on this little miracle I created!


  1. Love!! So happy for you guys. Meanwhile it's less than 24 hours away from due date time and I'm not sure my lady wants to celebrate! Argh!!

  2. So happy for you guys :) Can't WAIT to read the birth story!!

  3. Just discovered your blog. Your little girl is so precious! Congratulations! And can't wait to hear your birth story - it sounds a bit like mine! They say those sunny side up babies are nosy! Mine sure is! ;)


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