Dear Mykenzi,
Wow, another month! I feel like I just did your 4 month update and here we are at month 5 already! I continue to beg you to stop growing so fast but so far you have yet to listen. I suppose I better get used to you not listening to a word I say. I can't believe next month we will be celebrating your 1/2 birthday! Momma is so not ready!
You didn't have a Baby Well Visit this month so Momma had to weigh and measure you myself. You weighed in at 15lbs 9oz and 26.5 inches tall. Getting bigger!
You are still managing size 2 diapers but I have a feeling in a few weeks we'll be making the transition to size 3. You have officially entered into all 6 month clothing so all your 0-3month will be going into your outgrown bin. I hate putting your outgrown clothes away ... they are so tiny and it just reminds me of how tiny you used to be. I still have trouble understanding where my little 7lb squish went ... it seems like a lifetime ago you were that small.
You eyes are still the brightest blue. I still see some green trying to peek in, but still no signs of change. Your hair has stayed the same light brown for the last couple of months. I suppose it is done changing colors for now. Your thin spots are still growing back in and the top is still a thick mohawk. Don't worry, nothing a cute bow can't fix.
Up until this week you have been sleeping like a champ. The Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit has really helped your sleeping habits, but we think teething has thrown you for a loop. You are still sleeping through the night but the need to chew on your paci and fingers has lead to later bedtimes and earlier wake ups. No teeth are poking through yet, so we aren't sure how much longer this is going to last. Hopefully, my sleepy angel baby returns soon.
I'm amazed daily at how strong our breastfeeding relationship has become. We nurse on demand throughout the day and you receive one 8oz formula bottle before bedtime. Teething has not only interrupted your sleep it has also made you crazy at feeding time. You tried to use Momma as a teether while nursing and all I can say is OUCH. Hopefully that doesn't become a habit because again, ouch. We occasionally feed you rice cereal from a spoon just to work on your motorskills because next month you get to try solid foods! I'm excited for you to experience new tastes, let's hope you aren't a picky eater like your Momma.
You celebrated your first Christmas and New Year this past month and you had a blast. You had so much fun with your Aunt, Uncles, and Grandmas on Christmas and we took you to see your first Christmas light display. You were in awe of all the lights. For the New Year, me and your Daddy stayed in to celebrate with you. Although you crashed before the ball dropped, fireworks through the neighborhood woke you up to party at midnight.
You are talking and laughing up a storm ... and you hand out smiles like its your job. You have discovered screaming and try to see just how high pitched you can get. Mommy can't wait for this phase to pass ... neither can her ears. We took you shopping the other day and I'm certain the whole store thought I was murdering you, but ironically you were happier than a pig in mud. The more I tried to Sshh you, the louder your scream and the bigger the smile ... cue embarrassed Mommy. That's okay though, it won't be the last time.
You are sitting really well assisted and we are working really hard to get you ready to sit unassisted. This month you started pushing yourself up while on your tummy. Once you figure out pushing up and moving those crazy legs of yours, we are in serious trouble! You love standing, grabbing things, and putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. Your eyes are so full of wonder and its amazing to watch you learn everyday. You love spending time in your Johnny Jumper and your Walker ... I still can't believe you are big enough to be using both of those.
You still dislike when it's time to go to sleep. Once you realize you are being put down for a nap or bed you fuss like crazy. Cue that scream again. You don't laying on your back too long to play especially now that you've discovered sitting and standing. You'd rather be up and moving. You're such a busy body.
You are my Chatty Cathy and seem to mimic sounds. You love when we say Hi! Ah-Hah! and of course Ma Ma and Da Da. I'm still anxiously awaiting the day you officially say Ma Ma!
I can't wait to see how much growing you do this month. You are really coming into your personality and it's so fun to watch. You are such a ham. I'm having so much fun being your Mommy. I don't know if you'll ever know how much you truly light up my life.
Happy 5 Months Baby Girl!
That smile melts my heart every. time.
She is so cheesin' for these photos!! Happy 5 months baby girl! Teeth...I am so scared of teeth!!
ReplyDeleteAwww, growing so much! So cute!
ReplyDeleteOh she's so stinkin cute! So many fun things going on right now! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, she is just too cute!! My little one is also having some trouble in the sleep department and I'm thinking teeth too!? I hope it passes quickly for both of us!
ReplyDeleteHappy Five Months! We had a fee hiccups in the sleep department that lasted from 3 months to almost 6 months (and it wasn't teething). She was just a hungry girl! I was exhausted. Hopefully Mykenzie can get back into her routine quicker than we did. A tired momma is no fun!