Thursday, June 30, 2016

Bye Beaches! We're T-Town Bound!

Our little family has been keeping a BIG secret, and I can finally spill the beans.  We're moving! Yep. Right smack dab in the middle of my third trimester my husband received a job offer we couldn't refuse.  The catch?  We'd have to leave our beautiful beaches and reside in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

I know, I know, what kind of husband does that to his wife in the third trimester, right?  Don't worry, I've already assured the hubs he owes me big for this, but I have to cut him a little slack because he has been very attentive and aware of how I'm feeling through all of this, so he's not totally a bad guy. I kid, he's a great guy and I would never dream of him tossing this opportunity aside just because I was pregnant.  Really, the worst part of it all was being sworn to secrecy until we had all our ducks in a row to go public with our decision.

So, unless we are good friends something you may not know is that my husband and I were both born and raised in the area we currently reside in.  If you aren't familiar, we live in the Fort Walton/Destin area of Florida nestled on the beautiful, white sandy beaches in the Panhandle of Florida.  While leaving this area is something we'd never thought we'd do, we are very excited for a new adventure, in a new state, and of course, with our newest addition in tow.  We've worked it out where I can still have Rowan here and still see my Doctor through my 6 week clearance and then'll we'll pack up and take our little family to our new home.

We are incredibly grateful that his new job is so supportive of our growing family and willing to make accommodations for us to transition smoothly.  Just from the hospitality we've been shown through this entire process we are confident in our decision and that we are making a wonderful choice for our future and our family.  We are certainly blessed to be presented with an opportunity that allows my husband to grow and challenge himself in his career field with an amazing company.

So, get ready y'all!  Not only will Baking Baby Brown get a full re-brand this fall, but it also gets a new home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama!  Any other Alabama bloggers out there?!


  1. That's awesome, Jen! So exciting! I hope you'll share some photos of your new digs once you get all settled. :)

  2. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for yall in Alabama!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How exciting! Fingers crossed that the move is smooth. So happy for you love!

  5. Congratulations to your hubby!! And good luck with the move.

  6. So exciting! And I'm sure a little nerve wrecking at first, but I'm glad it all worked out that you can stay until after you have Rowan.


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