Monday, January 27, 2014

Bun in the Oven

Well, its official.  There's a little Baby Brown in the oven.  Still feels surreal as I type this entry ... there was a day when I thought I was never going to have kids.  I was adamant about not being ready to be a mother ... its amazing how ready you feel when you see two pink lines show up.  Let's rewind a few weeks so I can fill you in on how crazy this is ...

It was November 30th and I was celebrating a dear friend finally tying the knot!  As a bridesmaid it was my duty to participate in morning Mimosas and any other obligatory Bridesmaid shots.  I really had a "good time" at this wedding.  While getting my hair done, I was almost in tears as the stylist teased and sprayed this 10lb mop I have on my head.  I apologized profusely saying, "I'm not usually this tender headed!"  15 years of Cheerleading Ponytails does not allow for a tender head.  She laughs and replies, "Are you pregnant? Everything changes when you're pregnant."  I sat there staring into my Mimosa, that I wasn't sure I should continue drinking, and thought to myself:  When was my last period? Could I have ovulated recently? and Oh, Crap.  I guess its not out of the question?!  I told the girls and they laughed and jokingly said "Yep, you're pregnant!"  Little did they know they were all right!

Fast forward a few days later ... I was trolling Pinterest and came across this meme of Ryan Gosling that said, "Boom! You're Pregnant!"  As I read that I felt a little flutter in my stomach and thought, "Naaaaah!"  but just to be sure I trotted off to the bathroom and took a test.  What happened next, I was not prepared for ... there was the faintest of faint pink lines on my test.  It was POSITIVE!  I called my Husband and I'm almost positive I sounded like a crazy lady.  I couldn't make a coherent sentence to save my life.  Michael, being the logical man he is, told me to calm down and we would take a First Response first thing the next morning just to make sure I didn't get a false positive ... and well, 9 pregnancy tests later I think we could confirm we were indeed pregnant!

I found out extremely early ... my Doc was surprised I had even gotten a positive.  Most girls wouldn't be able to find out until a few weeks later.  I was feeling great, no sickness, no nausea, food was my best friend, and I thought "Man, I've got this pregnancy thing down!"  My Doctor quickly reminded me to "Wait!" that the 6 week mark is when things really start happening.  Boy, he wasn't kidding!  Morning sickness my foot!  It was ALL day, EVERY day! It was absolutely horrible! And I felt horrible for thinking it was horrible.  I was supposed to be happy ... but seriously, who can be happy when your face is buried in a toilet all day?!  I was given some Zofran and sent on my way.  It took a while for everything to settle in, but here I am 11 weeks and I'm slowly starting to feel like a human again! Hallelujah!!

So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.  This is my little journal that just so happens to be public.  Hope you enjoy reading and if you don't well then, you can gladly find another blog.  I write how I speak and so I'm sure you can point out plenty of grammar mistakes, but this blog is for me and my adventure in pregnancy ... not a college paper worth 80% of my grade.

Happy Reading! I'll be back with another update soon!


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