Tuesday, January 28, 2014

11 Weeks

11 Weeks and counting ....

203 days or less ... hopefully not more! Baby is the size of a green olive and moving and wiggling like crazy!  Although, they say you can't feel the wiggles yet, at our last appointment (10 weeks) we got to witness the wiggles ourselves and it was one of the most amazing moments I have ever experienced.  I'm not really a sappy sap type but when it comes to a human growing in your belly and an overload on hormones I suppose just about anything will send you into a crying frenzy. PS: Excuse the makeup-less face ... you should just be thankful I got dressed for the photo.

Our little nugget at our last appointment:

How far along?  11 Weeks, 2 Days 

Total weight gain? 1LB so far!

Maternity clothes?  Not quite yet, however, my jeans no longer button and they no longer zip.  Classy, right?

Stretch marks? None

Sleep? What's that?!  Aside from getting up every hour to pee, I wake up wired at 3AM.  It drives me insane!! And let's take a minute to talk about those pregnancy dreams! I'm a little disturbed that my mind comes up with some of this stuff!

Best moment this week?  This week we announced publicly that we are expecting!  A moment I'll never forget and the amount of love and support we received was amazing.

Miss anything?  I miss sleeping on my stomach.   That used to be the ONLY way I could fall asleep and its so uncomfortable to lay on my stomach now.

Movement?  I swear I feel little bubbles in the center of my uterus but my husband swears its gas.  I think he's full of it, I mean, how would he know?!

Food cravings?  Gumballs!! Weird, right? I have to have them though!  And Sushi, not the real kind, I'm allergic but a Steak, Avocado, Cream Cheese Roll.  Ugh, Heaven!!

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Yogurt, I tried to eat one the other day and every time I got the spoon near my mouth I gagged.  That baby did NOT want that Yogurt!  Oh, and Alcohol. Watching people drink or take shots on TV, or while we are out somewhere just turns my stomach.

Gender? No clue!  I think Girl, Husband swears its a Boy.  My mom is on Team Pink and his mom is Team Blue. Lol, House Divided!

Symptoms? Still queasy randomly, super sonic smell (hate it.), and crying spells.  I cried last week because my husband got offended when I told him his Toast stunk.  If this crying business keeps up its going to be a loooong 203 days. Lol

Belly button in or out? Innie

Happy or moody?  Mostly happy!  Very few mood swings so far.  Fingers crossed it stays that way!

Looking forward to?  Our next appointment! Feb 13th!  We'll get to talk about scheduling the Gender Ultrasound! 


  1. Congrats Jennifer! Having a baby is the best thing you will ever do! I love your sign! Do you do it yourself? Is it chalk?

    1. Thanks Nicole! Yes I did the sign myself and it is a Chalkboard. It was more difficult than Pinterest said it would be but it was totally worth it! :)

  2. I'm so excited for you and Myke! I'm on team Pink for ya ;) and you don't have to apologize for no makeup, my dear! You look beautiful as always!!!! Love and miss you guys!

    1. Thanks Kim! We are very excited too! Yay, Team Pink! Love & Miss y'all too!

  3. I am SUPER EXCITED never thought this would ever happen!!! Love my Beautiful preggo coisin!!!!

    1. Welcome! Sorry I posted twice tried to just edit the first one and it posted again. Wish you lived closer so we could be closer! Love and Miss you. :)

  4. I am SUPER EXCITED never thought this would ever happen!!! Love my Beautiful preggo cousin!!!!

  5. Jennifer, I love just adore your blog! I'm 10 weeks myself and couldn't figure out why I'm showing so much more than most. Sadly I've gained 10 pounds, but knowing you had a bump at 11 weeks too is relieving to know. Pregnancy looks so well on you! Best of luck to you and Mike-I already know you'll both be awesome parents :)

    1. Oh my goodness! Congratulations! That is so exciting! Don't worry about the number gained ... your doctor will keep you on track and tell you if its too much or not. You're growing a baby so gaining weight means he/she is growing like they are supposed to! Thank you for the sweet comment ... I'm sure pregnancy is going to look just as well on you! I never understood how magical it was until I started going through it! I hope your pregnancy is going well! Embrace every moment, even the bad because it truly goes by quick!


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