Tuesday, February 4, 2014

12 Weeks

Well, ladies and gentleman, the first trimester is coming to a close and I couldn't be more excited.  What an anxious time those first twelve weeks are ... between unknown twinges, morning sickness, and learning what your body is trying to say ... I was a nutcase.  In 2011, my husband and I experienced a miscarriage.  It was a weird time for both of us ... so we were extremely gun shy as we progressed this pregnancy.  I over-analyzed EVERYTHING!  How could I not?  It didn't help that the time frame we got pregnant this year was the exact same time frame it happened in 2011.  So with this trimester coming to a close, it brings a sense of relief to the both of us ... so maybe I can learn to relax the rest of the pregnancy ... highly doubtful, but it's worth a shot.

So let's take a minute to talk about this bump ... Please tell me it's normal to be this plump at 12 weeks!  I know every pregnancy is different but I'm a little scared what month 7, 8, and 9 are going to look like if I'm showing like this already.  I'm going to fall over from being front heavy!  I'm hoping at some point everything will even out but with my luck I will probably just be huge.

How far along?  12 Weeks, 2 Days 

Total weight gain? 2lbs ... movin' on up! I'm quite sure it's all that candy I've been eating!

Maternity clothes?  Getting there ... I did buy some stretch waist leggings.  They aren't maternity but I can breathe in them and at this point, that's all that matters! 

Stretch marks? Not as of yet.

Sleep? I was doing amazing in the sleep department this week until Baby decided Mommy's Super Bowl food picks were not to his/her liking.  It has been a rough couple of nights since.  Bad Mommy!

Best moment this week?  While it wasn't MY best moment this week, I would have to say having my husband stay up to take care of me in the middle of the night while this little nugget threw Mommy's stomach for a loop.  Functioning on just a couple hours sleep, he continued to work and never once complained how exhausted he was ... instead worried about how I was doing and how I was feeling.  For those of you that know me, you know just how much I love him ... but I think that moment made me love him even more.  I've got a special one and I'm so thankful he's on this journey with me because I certainly couldn't do this without him.

Miss anything?  I'm missing a Lenny's Club Sub like something fierce.  I know I can heat deli meat but let's be real ... it's not the same!  I also miss my brain! Holy Cow! Pregnancy brain is no joke ... It amazes me the amount of dumb stuff that comes out of my mouth and the ridiculous stuff I do.  To all my previously pregnant friends ... if I ever giggled at your pregnancy brain I am so sorry but don't worry, Karma got me good.

Movement?  None this week ... just me moving a little faster to the ladies room ... pregnancy gives you the bladder of a squirrel.  I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I pee my pants.

Food cravings?  Still chompin' on Gumballs.  I've expanded my palette to Pixie Sticks that my husband constantly threatens to take away from me if I don't eat them in moderation.  This baby is bound to come out on a sugar high. 

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Chili Cheese Dip ... its this amazing dip made with cream cheese, chili, and shredded cheddar served with Frito Scoops.  It's heaven ... normally.  Baby has decided it is an unacceptable form of food.  It has made its post digestion debut twice now ... that's enough for me to permanently check it off my "Do Not Eat" list.  I should've learned the first time.

Gender? I drive myself nuts over this question.  I really have no idea.  My friends are about 50/50 between pink and blue ... hopefully we get to set the appointment soon to find out!

Symptoms? This week headaches have returned ... I can't tell if it's this crazy weather we are having or just normal pregnancy headaches.  They aren't bad, but enough to be annoying.  The only other symptom is the ladies have gone up in size ... um. whoa.  I didn't know they could get that big ... and my understanding is that they only get bigger.  Yikes!

Belly button in or out? Innie

Happy or moody?  Still happy!  Thank goodness!

Looking forward to?  Beginning the second trimester and really starting to enjoy the pregnancy. 

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