Monday, February 10, 2014

13 Weeks

Hello, Second Trimester!  Apparently, there is much debate about the second trimester starting at 13 or 14 weeks.  I've been told I was wrong for saying it starts at week 13 and others have told me I am in the right.  It truly depends on your doctor and with that said, my doctor has stated that it starts at week 13 so those of you that disagree can take it up with him.

Which brings me to my next point ... I never realized that once you got pregnant how much you would have to defend yourself and your decisions (or even your Doctor's decisions) against other Mothers.  I'm not one to shy away from asking for help especially when it comes to something I don't know much about ... but in the same breath, I also try to make sure I do a ton of research and educate myself so I'm not a complete bone-head on the subject.  I knew unsolicited pregnancy advice was going to happen ... I just wasn't prepared for how hard some mothers come at you with their opinion.  I like to think I'm a pretty smart girl and that I will be able to survive this pregnancy with my collected knowledge and instinctual decisions.  After all, I am going to be a Mother just like you are!

Now that's off my chest, lets get a little happier up in here!  13 weeks seems so early, yet so far in pregnancy ... especially everything I've been through up to this point.  Morning sickness is FINALLY taking a hike ... I never thought I'd see the day!  I keep adding things to my "Can Eat" list which is awesome ... there for a while it was a list of 5 things and half those things were candy.  Sleep is actually a part of my vocabulary again ... hopefully it decides to stick around for a little while.  Lastly, I'm finally able to start being more active and able to get moving ... instead of just moving from the couch to the toilet.  Being a sickly couch potato is for the birds!  Speaking of being active, this week the hubby and I started purging the house to make room for baby.  Clothes, shoes, odds, and ends ... you name it, it left this house!  It's a surreal feeling purging your home to make room for a crib, rocker, and all things baby!  Now if we could just find out if we are buying Pink or Blue accents, that would be great!  The suspense of not knowing is driving me absolutely insane!  Patient is not my middle name so this wait has been pure torture.  I'm most definitely looking forward to talking to the Doctor this week about scheduling our Gender Appointment.

Here's this weeks happenings!  I've added a few questions and if you have any questions you'd like to see in here or you feel would be a good addition please share!

How far along?  13 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain? 2lbs ... I haven't weighed myself this week but my husband told me so nicely the other night that my love handles and hips were "really filling out."  Thanks babe, 'preciate it.

Maternity clothes?  A couple of shirts, just because they are comfortable.  Still making the rubber-band trick work on the jeans, although I think their retirement is around the corner.

Stretch marks?  Nope.  I'm oiling and lotioning like crazy!

Sleep?  Sleep has actually been decent this week!  I'm finally getting used to waking up in the middle of the night to use the ladies room ... its not so much of a hassle anymore.

Best moment this week?  I had my very first dream about baby!  We delivered (via C-Section, random?) and we still had no idea what the sex was ... we anxiously asked the Doctor and he revealed, "IT'S A GIRL!"  I screamed with excitement and the Doctor brought her to me and I could see her so clearly it was crazy!  She looked like my husband in the face, had a perfectly round head, very bald, with the chubbiest cheeks I had ever seen! She was PERFECT.  I don't know what this dream meant, but its my little glimmer of happiness I'll hang onto for a little while.

Miss anything?  I miss my summer clothes!  While cleaning out our closets this week I realized that I won't be able to wear a lot of my cute summer stuff this year but on the other hand, I gain something pretty incredible in return! 

Movement?  No movement that I can feel yet, but I'm definitely starting to round out in places.

Food cravings?  Gumballs are still on the brain, but this week I have actually moved onto more food items.  Frosted Mini Wheats are heaven!  And Baskin Robbins' Rainbow Sherbet is on my must have list at the moment.  Oh, and corn!  I woke up the other day and all I could think about was corn. Weird.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Nothing this week has made me sick ... I get a little queasy when I'm thirsty but that is about it.

Gender?  I'm leaning towards girl, but I'm trying not to fixate on girl just in case its a boy.  I'm constantly back and forth on what the gender is.

Symptoms?  Still having headaches randomly but I've really focused on my water intake this week which seems to be helping.  Other than that just pure hunger!  I think about food, dream about food, and just plain want food ALL. THE. TIME.

Belly button in or out?  Still in ... but as I round out I'm noticing it gets flatter and flatter ... I was never truly a real "innie" to begin with so I suppose its only a matter of time before it makes the switch.

Happy or moody?  This week was a rather moody week ... I did not enjoy that part at all!  I tried really hard to be aware of it so I could possibly change my mindset but man, those hormones don't play!

Milestones?  Hitting the second trimester, if you read my last blog post you'll understand why this is such a huge personal milestone to us.

Looking forward to?  Our appt this week! Thursday can't get here fast enough!

Upcoming Appts/Events? Regular check up this week! Discussing scheduling the Gender Ultrasound.

Looking forward to updating you all next week on what the Doc has to say!


  1. This is so much fun to read :) you're thirsty for two in those summer months (all 3 of mine were July babies) - I found cucumbers in the water or lemon and mint were amazing to switch it up! Always remember you know your body best and weather it's diet, weight gain, cravings, breastfeeding, parenting style... whatever! You're the mom and while you may take other's advice, you'll know what's best for baby Brown :)

    1. Thank you so much Rachel! I will definitely take that advice on spicing up your water! I'm not a huge fan of water to begin with so upping my intake has been hard! I'm all for finding ways to help get that water down! Thanks for the tip!

  2. I love reading your experiences since we can't be there to witness this miracle of life! And I looove your disclaimer! You are an intelligent lady and I have no doubt you will make amazing decisions for you and Baby Brown!!! Love and miss yall loads!


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