Sunday, March 2, 2014

16 Weeks

Still sitting on Cloud 9 after finding out Baby Brown's gender last week! Best moment of my pregnancy to date ... even in the chaos of the Emergency Room.  This week, there is a new sense of magic in the air ... Baby Brown has an identity!

Mykenzi Elaine

Mykenzi is named after her father, Myke, and Elaine is my middle name that was also passed down from my Mother.  We had some other names picked but when we came up with this one we both instantly fell in love with it and the meaning behind it.  Not to mention, I have a mighty proud Papa Bear on my hands since his daughter is named after him.  It is literally the sweetest thing ever to watch him tell people what her name is ... he lights up every time.

Update from last week's chaos! Momma and Mykenzi are doing well!  I have really been focusing on my water intake and drinking more of it than I ever have before!  I've also been focusing on healthier snack and meal choices to ensure I'm giving baby all the nutrients she needs!  Don't get me wrong ... I still sneak a sweet here and there but in moderation.  Last week was a huge reality check for me ... I realized I couldn't slack on the things that were important and still have a healthy pregnancy.  Little Miss sure lets me know when I'm getting out of line! I also followed up with my Doctor this week.  We discussed my ER visit and how I'm feeling now ... he looked over the records and felt that I didn't need to come into the office until my next regular scheduled appointment March 12th.  I got a stern talking to and if I have any episodes between now and then I am to come right in to see him.  Between Baby, Doctor, and Husband this Momma is on strict watch! #nomoremessups #threestrikesandimout

Back to the weekly questionnaire! Lots of new happenings since the last one! Also, check back for my next post about my vision for Mykenzi's Nursery!  Enjoy!

How far along?  LMP: 16 weeks, 0 days ... Measuring: 16 weeks, 4 days - At the next appointment we will get to discuss with the Doctor about which one calculates this pregnancy.  So confusing!  For now, I'll give you both! 

Total weight gain?  4lbs

Maternity clothes?  I've been sliding into anything that stretches right now but I'm on the hunt for a couple of pairs of shorts for Summer.  Mother Nature gave us a Spring Teaser this week ... I had 1 pair of shorts that have been big on me for quite some time.  I have been saving them because I figured I'd be able to wear them pregnant since they were semi-stretchy.  I put them on at 8 weeks pregnant and they were still big ... I put them on this week and they wouldn't zip or button.  Apparently, a lot has happened in 8 weeks. #nothingfits #notusedtohavinghips

Stretch marks?  Nope.  I'm taking this lotion thing very seriously!

Sleep?  Sleep has been great this week.  After hardly sleeping last week my body has been playing catch up an it's been so nice.

PEAK of the week?  Giving our Baby Girl an identity.  

PIT of the week?  Giving up sweets.  Its been tough since sweet is what Baby wants but I know it's for the best.

Miss anything?  Soda!  I know it's incredibly bad for you but there is nothing a good fountain soda can't fix!  I've been keeping them at bay since my little ER mishap.

Movement?  We have movement!  While its not kicks and definitely does not feel all fluttery like the books describe ... I can feel when she moves from one side of my uterus to the other.  She likes to huddle on the very edges of my uterus causing some crazy pressure.  One morning I woke up to that pressure and she was at the very top of my uterus just hanging out.  You could see the bulge in my stomach, it was crazy!  I gently massaged and moved her down.  I can't wait until you can actively feel her kicks and movement from the outside because right now the hubby is just a tad bit jealous that I'm the only one that feels the movement.

Food cravings?  While making healthier choices I'm finding that I crave fresh sliced tomatoes with a little bit of Season All sprinkled on top.  It is the most amazing thing I can get my hands on right now. 

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  My husband buys Buffalo Chicken sliced from the Deli for his lunches and just the smell of it makes my stomach turn ... I can't even walk near the cart after he gets it from the Deli! 

Gender?  It's a Girl! I never get tired of saying that. 

Symptoms?  Super sonic smell has returned!  I feel like its worse now than it was when I first found out I was pregnant.  I didn't even realize it was gone until it came back full force!  Other than that just normal growing pains ... round ligament, back, and hips.

Belly button in or out?  Flat ... its barely holding on.

Happy or moody?  Thankful to report my happy self has returned!  Moodiness has been few and far between which makes the hubby happy. 

Milestones?  Feeling her move ... and of course, calling her a HER! 

Looking forward to?  Blogging about the nursery!  I've put together a vision board and already have a few key pieces on hand.  Can't wait to share what will become Baby Mykenzi's room! 

Upcoming Appts/Events?  Regular Check up March 12th


  1. Girl I have to say I have absolutely stepped up my water intake because of you! I also have a serious penchant for sweets (I may or may not have eaten sour skittle before 10am this morning). I am having bump envy over here as you are noticeably prego!

  2. So wish we lived closer so I could experience this with yall! Love yall!


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