20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go! I can't believe I'm already halfway through this pregnancy. I feel like I was just updating everyone that we were expecting! Time flies when you're having fun!
I'm a little discombobulated this week so forgive the late post. I was frantically trying to figure out what I wanted to put on my 21 week chalkboard when my husband reminded me we were only 20 weeks. After that, I somehow lost a day this week ... Little Miss is taking every last piece of brain power I have so I'm not quite functioning on all cylinders. #braindead
This past week was full of friends, family, and fun! It was great to see all the people I love and they all made turning 30 feel pretty special. We also have some bigger news that I'm not allowed to share just yet ... I'm already pregnant so I guess anything else at this point won't shock you. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to share some other happenings in the Brown Family.
Still working on my mobile ... I really didn't have time this week to work on it so the project continues! #staytuned
How far along? 20 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain? 7.8lbs
Maternity clothes? It's a mix. I still try to stick to anything stretchy ... its the most comfortable.
Stretch marks? Nada.
Sleep? I was sleeping really well until the past couple of nights ... now I can't seem to get comfortable and then when I finally do find a position that is comfortable it's of course not comfortable for Baby Girl ... and she lets me know it.
PEAK of the week? My Birthday! Really the peak was seeing all my friends and family. Some I haven't seen since I've announced I was pregnant so it was nice to catch up and share some laughs.
PIT of the week? I've been a little overwhelmed this week with a lot that is going on ... I'm finding out the hard way why they tell you not to stress too much while pregnant. It really takes a toll on your body. So I'm working hard at "taking a chill pill," as my husband would say.
Miss anything? Missing my clothes a little bit. Each time I go into my closet less and less clothing fits. Trying to get dressed day to day is hard enough for a girl ... throw pregnancy into the mix and it gets a little tougher.
Movement? ALL. THE. TIME. This child of mine is a busy body. Her new favorite thing is to kick my bladder when its full ... my guess is it's cramping her style. Remember last week when I said it was only a matter of time before I pee my pants? If these kicks to the bladder get any harder it could be any day. Also, who knew how strong your unborn baby could be?! I was standing in the living room talking to my husband when I flew forward ... the baby kicked so hard she literally threw me off balance. It scares me she's only 20 weeks ... she only going to get bigger and stronger!
Food cravings? Besides everything ... I really want a Hot Dog ... not just any Hot Dog ... I want a Dave's Dog! Ugh. #sogood
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Not this week. Still doing good in that department.
Gender? Girl! We confirm she's a she next week!
Symptoms? Shortness of breath. I got excited and told a long winded story and after I was done you would've thought I just got done running a marathon. Same with stairs, getting dressed, and trying to get myself out of the Snoogle in the middle of the night. It's a workout!
Belly button in or out? Flat.
Happy or moody? Partly happy with bouts of moody.
Milestones? I saw my stomach move for the first time when she kicked. It was pretty cool. I haven't seen it since though.
Looking forward to? Our appointment next week! I can't wait to see our little girl ... and confirm she's still a girl.
Ha I was telling a story today and ran out of breath haha I was feeling pretty pathetic so this makes me feel better! I saw the little move on the outside last night for the first time. Then I kept trying to film it on my phone and of course nothing! Yay to halfway for us!
ReplyDeleteLol, that shortness of breath is no joke! I swear these babies know when we are trying to catch something and they go silent. Same thing when she first started kicking ... when I would put my hand on my belly she'd stop.
DeleteOh i miss that feeling of the baby moving and then seeing the movement!!! If she us busy now, just wait until she arrives! Looking forward to this mystery news you may be revealing soon ;) love yall!
ReplyDeleteLol, I told Myke the other day ... prepare for no sleep. This child moves all the time!