Wednesday, March 26, 2014

19 Weeks

We are sliding into the halfway point and I'm starting to feel VERY pregnant these days ... and I still have a lot of belly growing to do. Yikes!  It really is amazing all the new changes that happen to your body week to week.  In the midst of my body in the process of major changes ... this Momma is also entering an entirely new decade of life this week. (3/27)  That's right, the big 3-0!  For the last couple of years I was dreading the fast approaching age of Thirty but since finding out we were expecting I have had a change of heart.  I'm actually excited about Thirty ... yes, it is older but at Thirty I get to become a Mom!  That is one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for ... and I'm anxiously excited to start off a new decade and chapter of life together.  These will be the best years of my life.

This week's DIY project was the mobile ... I completely underestimated this project.  I thought, "Oh! All I need is ribbon, crystals, and string!"  which is exactly what I need but our local craft stores conveniently ran a sale on clear crystals this week which left me with nothing by the time I got to the store.  Not to mention, there are only like 5 crystals to each pack and I'm not exactly sure how many I need at this point.  So the project continues this week ... and maybe into next.  I'm on the hunt for the perfect crystals and driving my husband nuts with the hunt in the meantime.  It's a good thing he loves me and my manically crafty heart.  #Idrivethepoorguycrazy

How far along? 19 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain?  7.4lbs ... creepin on up!

Maternity clothes?  They are slowly starting to take over ... I thought I would be more upset, but at this point I'm just excited to have clothes that fit. 

Stretch marks?  No and I hope I can keep it that way.

Sleep?  Sleep has been good ... the cold I had finally waved the white flag.

PEAK of the week?  The weather was warm enough this week for Momma to get a little color on this pasty body of hers.  It's so nice to have some tan lines again!  

PIT of the week?  I've been in some pain this week.  Little Miss must be having another growth spurt because my days have been filled with round ligament pain and lower back pressure.    

Miss anything?  This sounds ridiculous but I miss being able to have control over my bladder.  It is officially the size of a peanut because I can't go two minutes without having to pee.  I prepared my husband for the chance of peeing my pants in the near future ... as she gets bigger its only a matter of time before a sneeze sends me over the edge.

Movement?  Movement and kicks get stronger everyday! It's crazy!  She is quite the active little thing.

Food cravings?  Everything.  At this point in my pregnancy I'm in love with food.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Nothing I've noticed this week. 

Gender?  Little Miss

Symptoms?  Growing pains! Round Ligament/Back pain and my chest is starting to look like a map! Blue veins everywhere!

Belly button in or out?  Flat. Flat. Flat.

Happy or moody?  Pretty happy this week!  Hope to keep it up!

Milestones?  Daddy is feeling movements and kicks more and more everyday!  It's incredibly adorable how excited he gets.

Looking forward to?  Celebrating my birthday with family and friends!

Upcoming Appts/Events?  My 30th Birthday on the 27th! Aaah! And Little Miss has an anatomy scan April 9th.


  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope you get totally spoiled today!

  2. Wish I could've joined you for the birthday fun! Can't believe it's been 8 yrs since we spent a bday together!!! Love and miss yall!


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