Friday, March 21, 2014

Never Say Never

So, it's Friday! Yay! We all love a good weekend right?  I know my nice and relaxing weekends are numbered so I'm sort of treating each one like a mini holiday.  I'm trying to make sure I soak up every last piece of alone time before little miss decides to make her debut because once she's here life won't be the same ... in a good way!

I'm one of the last girls in my group of friends to finally have a baby.  To be honest, when our pregnancy was announced I think we received more of "It's about time!" than we did "Congratulations!"  Which was the same reaction when we finally got engaged after 7 years of dating.  I suppose you could say we like to take our sweet time with things.  While basking in my no-kid glory my friends, co-workers, and everyone else around me started having kids.  I remember taking that time to observe everyone.  I was interested to see how each person reacted to pregnancy, how the dealt with it, and how they went on with their day to day.  While then I thought I was observing, now I realize I was being a Judgmental Jenny ... and this is my eating crow blog.

My famous words were "When I'm pregnant I will never," HAH!  Don't worry ladies ... If I could go back in time and slap that girl I would because she obviously had no idea what she was talking about.  So for your entertainment I thought it would be a kick to take a look back on the things I would NEVER do pregnant and my feelings on those things now.

1.  When I'm pregnant I will never treat it like a handicap.  While, yes, there are some women who act broken pregnant the majority don't ... despite what it may look like to your no-kid, skinny self.  While most days are normal ... heading into the half way point I'm realizing things like buckling my sandals, shaving my legs, and heck, even getting dressed these days seem like I've just finished running a marathon.  So when it comes to buckling my sandals ... I probably look more handicap trying to buckle them myself than saving the trouble for my dear husband who is more than happy to help.

2.  When I'm pregnant I will never let myself go.  If you would've asked me before I got pregnant I would of told you I would dress up cute everyday! Now?  I'm lucky if my wardrobe choices match because only half my wardrobe fits!  Not to mention, half the time you feel like a busted can of biscuits in anything you put on ... and I'm not even that huge yet!  The girl who said she would always look cute was also a 100lb teeny-bopper who lived her days doing Visual Merchandising at Forever 21.  That girl today?  Well, she's currently wearing the stretchiest thing she owns with sandals buckled by her husband.

3.  When I'm pregnant I will never let my hormones make me crazy.  Hahahaha!  Did you get a good laugh with that one?  I don't know what's more embarrassing ... the fact that those words came out of my mouth or the fact that I actually thought that was something that could be controlled.  That statement came from a girl who burst into tears because her husband's toast was "stinky."  That statement also came from the same girl who copped an attitude because the dinner she cooked was not good.  You can't make this stuff up, folks!  I bet that girl who said she wouldn't let her hormones make her crazy is feeling pretty dingy about now.

4.  I will never blame Pregnancy Brain.  This is quite the laughable statement too.  This one from the girl who got in a full on argument with her Banker of a husband that 12x9 was 72.  Doesn't even make sense right?  Well, it did in my pregnant mind ... my math was on point and there was no telling me I was wrong.  In my defense, math was never my strong suite ... but pregnant math just proved me stupid.  Still not giving in that pregnancy brain was a real thing I have since scoured the house for car keys that were in my hand the entire time, completely abandoned my side of conversations because I no longer remember what I was talking about, and ran up my cell phone bill's data plan in attempt to reset my WI-FI ... except I forgot to turn back on the WI-FI during the reset. #pregnancybrainisreal

5.  When I'm pregnant I will never eat for two.  Sure, your plan going in is always to be the healthiest version of yourself you can be while being a sacred vessel ... what you don't understand is little baby bean wants CAKE and she wants it NOW!  My day looks a little something like: Breakfast, snack, snack, snack, Lunch, snack, snack, Lunch again, snack, snack, snack, Dinner for two, snack, snack, Sleep, snack, back to Sleep.  I wish I could tell you I was exaggerating ... but unfortunately, I'm sitting here snacking as I write.  So to the girl who would never eat for two ... Go eat a sandwich and be thankful your jeans still zip and you can buckle your own shoes.

While I'm sure there are more idiotic thought processes that came out of my mouth ... these are the top 5 that I remember telling myself the most.  I thought I had my pregnancy all mapped out and set to go ... that is until I became pregnant.  Nothing can prepare you for what pregnancy actually does to your body and how you react to it.  I always joked that I would be the girl who would have all day morning sickness ... and well, that part was the ugly truth.  It wasn't as funny to joke about when it was actually happening.  I'm sure it was Karma setting me straight for all my ignorant "I will never" statements.  Well played, Karma.  Well played.

So Mykenzi ... a little piece of advice.  Don't judge ... and NEVER say never!


  1. My husband also took 7 years to propose to me! So when we were picking out wedding bands I argued that those who wait eternity for a proposal deserve an eternity ring! :) I love that you got upset because your husbands toast was stinky :)

  2. Pregnancy brain really is real! I also became super clumsy and ran into our coffee table frequently when I was prego! Love your blog! Makes me feel like I'm almost getting to be there to witness you being pregnant! Miss you gorgeous!

  3. Oh man, pregnancy is not for th faint of heart. Nothing can prepare you. And sometimes I think it is harder on smaller girls because our poor joints dont want to bend that way!


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