Tuesday, March 18, 2014

18 Weeks

Whoa, this week got away from me!  This Momma managed to catch a cold which has been super gross.  As if colds aren't annoying enough in their own right ... throw the miracle of life growing in your belly and it takes annoying to another level.  Unfortunately, being restricted to plain old Robitussin doesn't really lend itself to aiding in a speedy recovery.  In the midst of catching the gunk, Mykenzi decided to make her Ninja skill debut!  This child of mine packs a mean kick!  She must be taking after her Mother and perfecting her Cheerleading skills. #shesgotspirit  She even let Daddy in on the action and kicked his hand when he placed it on my belly.  What really gets her going is this cold!  Any time I cough or sneeze she goes on a rampage like "Geez, Mom! Stop it already!" #sassfromtheinside  I can already tell I'm in for a fun ride in the attitude department.  Despite the cold, Doc says Baby Girl is healthy and right on schedule with movement and kicks.  Next time we go in we'll get to see her during the Anatomy Scan in 4 weeks.

This week's DIY adventure was Bows!  I had so much fun!  I had to stop myself so she didn't have 492 Bows before she even arrives in this world ... but I will definitely be making bows throughout her life, errrr well, at least until she gets sassy enough to tell me she won't be wearing one anymore.  Of course, Pinterest was my source of inspiration.  That website has everything!  There were so many different tutorials to follow I decided to give a couple of different ones a try.  Below are my finished products!

Next week, I plan to tackle the mobile for the Nursery!  I'll keep you updated on how that one comes along.  Hopefully it goes smoothly and my hormones stay in check so this project doesn't turn into a hot mess.

So I know this post is later than usual, but I'm trying to get back on an accurate weekly schedule after being confused on which due date to go with.  My Doctor said that we will always go off the first ultrasound's due date of August 17th.  In his experience, the baby will always fluctuate with measurements but the first ultrasound's due date is typically when babies make their appearance.  So with that said ... let's get on with the questions!

How far along?  18 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain?  As of my appt I'm still holding at 6lbs.

Maternity clothes?  They are slowly creeping into my wardrobe.  I put on my old faithful jeans this weekend and that was quite the task!  While my bump isn't growing outward much these days ... wider seems to be the new trend.  Getting the jeans on was hard enough ... taking them off felt like it required minor surgery.  Maternity jeans are in my near future for sure.

Stretch marks?  Nope ... and hopefully it will stay that way.

Sleep?  Sleep has been great minus the coughing spells.

PEAK of the week?  The Registry!  We started our registry for Baby Girl at Target!  So much fun!  For my current preggos ... I highly recommend doing your research and pre-registering online for those big ticket items ... that way when you go in the store you can test them out and either keep or delete it off your registry later.  It is a total time saver.  By doing that we were able to get in and out without much fuss ... which made for a happy hubby.  Another tip ... if you can, go on a week night ... EVERYONE registers at Target on the weekend ... it was a mad house!

PIT of the week?  Catching this stupid cold.  I'm so sick of being a snotty mess who sounds like a man from all the drainage.  Not cute.  Ew, and this COUGH! So not lady like.

Miss anything?  Missing being healthy!

Movement?  Lots of movement and kicks going on these days!  We have a very active Baby Girl.  In fact, 3AM seems to be Mykenzi's party hour ... hopefully that's not the case once she's here.  #wishfulthinking

Food cravings?  Pretty much everything is a craving these days!  All food just sounds amazing at all times!  The child is definitely not starving that is for sure!

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  The smell of alcohol.  My dear husband had a few beers the other night and I couldn't stand the smell of alcohol on his breath.  Poor guy.

Gender?  Little Lady!

Symptoms?  Eating myself out of house and home.  Must have all the foods! #eatingfortwo

Belly button in or out?  It's slowly getting flatter and flatter.

Happy or moody?  Despite being sick, my mood has been fairly pleasant this week!

Milestones?  Feeling the first kicks!  Daddy even got to feel them too which made it even better!

Looking forward to?  Attempting the mobile for the nursery and seeing Baby Girl in a few weeks.

Upcoming Appts/Events?  Anatomy Scan, April 9th


  1. I didn't know we have the exact same due date! Love! I hear ya on doing the registry online. I did everything there first so I wouldn't be overwhelmed at the store - and yes my husband's patience plays a huge part in that too! I added you to my sidebar cause I love your updates. Ha I feel like I Instagram stalked you and that is awesome :) Have a great week lady!

    1. Since we are date twins it will be interesting to see when we actually deliver! Thanks for the add to your sidebar! <3 Hope you have a great Birthday tomorrow! :)


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