Sunday, March 9, 2014

17 Weeks

Another week down!  I feel like at this point the pregnancy is going to be over before I know it.  It probably doesn't help that I have fifty million things running through my head that I feel like I need to be doing to be prepared ... the fear of running out of time is setting in.  It must be the hormones.  I'm assuming Baby hit another growth spurt because my hormones were out of control this week!  I was up, I was down, I was ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE.

I spent this week doing what I do best ... Researching! Sounds super fun, right?!  I Googled my little heart out about infant car seats, crib mattresses, strollers ... you name it, I probably Googled it.  I just want to make sure that my baby is safe while at the same time not spending an arm and a leg.  I'm trying to be very realistic ... I know its easy to get caught up in the "it's my first baby" world and go all out on buying top of the line everything!  Of course, things are top of the line for a reason ... but for the sake of my wallet and this family's future finances, I need to be smart about all of our baby purchases.  Not only does a ton of research help, but having friends with kids has been a saving grace!  They know all the good stuff!  I'm incredibly thankful that I have friends who will let me pick their brain with a ton of baby questions.  They help keep me in check and from not becoming that manic first time Mom.  It's a public service really ... they should probably get paid for that.

On the health front, everything is still going well.  I feel so much better and I'm slowly increasing my water intake day by day.  I have a goal set that I'm very close to reaching!  If I can make that a habit ... I should have no issues with water in the future.  It's amazing how different my body feels with the amount of water I've been drinking.  Obviously, not pregnant water is super healthy ... but being pregnant has really changed my views on water and I plan to continue this water intake after baby.

Okay ... on to the good stuff!

How far along?  LMP: 17 weeks, 0 days  Measuring: 17 weeks, 4 days - Still waiting to see which one will calculate the rest of the pregnancy.

Total weight gain?  6lbs ... So it doesn't seem like that much weight but I was quite surprised to see I went up 2 extra pounds in one week.  Of course, with my appetite I shouldn't have been that surprised ... there is constantly some sort of food in my mouth. #oinkoink

Maternity clothes?  Still sliding into stretchy things ... I'm assuming if the weight gain continues to pack on it's only a matter of time before I'm all Maternity-d out.

Stretch marks?  Nope.

Sleep?  Sleep is still good! Yay!  Two weeks with decent sleep has been amazing!

PEAK of the week?  Finalizing a nursery theme to build off of ... there a few pieces I plan on DIY'ing so I'm excited to get started on that.  I've committed to a baby project a week, so I'll be sure to keep y'all updated with those as well!  Next week isn't nursery related but I will be attempting baby headbands! 

PIT of the week?  Hormones! I was a little teary this week.  All it took was a still picture of Disney's The Fox and the Hound when the old lady leaves the fox in the woods ... INSTANT TEARS.  I couldn't even control it!  While it's funny now ... it was quite the catastrophe when it happened.  I should probably refrain from watching any animal related movie for the remainder of this pregnancy.

Miss anything?  I miss having control over my emotions ... you don't realize how much you miss being able to do that until you are just completely out of control.  I can't help but feel embarrassed when I'm in a puddle of tears over nothing ... my family just giggles.

Movement?  I feel her movements stronger and stronger everyday.  She is quite the wiggle worm.  No official kicking that I can report just yet ... I thought I felt something the other day but its been too inconsistent to confirm.

Food cravings?  Besides EVERYTHING ... I'm quite obsessed with Pineapple and Watermelon ... If my husband would let me, I would just live on those two things all day.  Also, we found out this week that I can not be trusted alone with a bag of Reese's Mini's ... Whoops.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Bleeding Gums ... Not only is it super disgusting to see ... I hate the taste of blood! Yuck!  I have found that rinsing with mouthwash or salt water can stop the bleeding.

Gender?  Pink! Pink! Pink!

Symptoms?  Besides a raging amount of hormones making me go a little nut-so ... this week has been fairly calm.  It kind of scares me though ... is this a calm before the storm?  Hopefully next week isn't full of crazy symptoms.

Belly button in or out?  It's still hanging on!

Happy or moody?  Goodness! I was all over the place this week.  Mostly happy with a side of uncontrollable crying ... No moodiness though, so I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

Milestones?  Making steps to plan Baby Girl's Nursery!  Can't wait to watch it all come together.

Looking forward to?  Baby Projects!  DIY'ing is a form of therapy for me ... I can't wait to get started and to see what I come up with.

Upcoming Appts/Events?  Checking on Baby Girl - March 12th


  1. You look ADORABLE!!!!!! So excited for you, mama! Having a little lady is seriously the best thing ever! Thanks again for stopping by, looking forward to following along with you!

  2. I love reading along with your updates! So jeli you're feeling her move already. Pretty sure my lady is in zen mode and just chillin'. Can't wait to feel her little busy body! Thank you for the tip about Target too and mercury glass! I will go check it out. Also FYI whenever you leave me a sweet comment I can't write you back because you are a no-reply blogger. Google "how to fix being a no-reply blogger" and you should find a tutorial on how to fix it!

  3. Hey gorgeous! Hope your appt went well today!!!!


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