So, we are officially 6 months along and just hit the double digits in days remaining until our due date! That is just crazy talk, right?! As each week passes, I swear this pregnancy takes a step further into warp speed. She will be here soon and I'm excited, nervous, ready, overwhelmed, happy, and freaking out a little all at the same time. That doesn't sound nuts at all, does it?
As I mentioned, we spent most of this week celebrating our Anniversary. May 7th marked our first date 11 years ago, as well as, our wedding 3 years ago. We started out as best friends and eventually decided to give dating a try ... 11 years and a roller coaster of a ride later here we are, married and expecting our first child. We are that super cheesy couple that celebrates their Anniversary like it's a holiday ... but it's an important day for both of us and it represents the trials and tribulations that have brought us to this very moment. I'm very fortunate to have an amazing man to share my life with and will continue to celebrate that fact every May 7th for the rest of my life.
We started out our Anniversary day checking in on baby girl. Mykenzi is doing well and growing right on track. We go back in two weeks to participate in what I hear is the most dreaded test of all: the Glucose Screening. Hopefully, its not as terrible as I hear ... I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best.
Good News! I FINALLY received my beads for the mobile! Project Nursery is back underway! I'll keep you guys posted on the progress next week!
Stats this week:
How far along? 25 weeks, 6 days (Whoops! Really late this week!)
Total weight gain? Still holding at 15.7lbs
Maternity clothes? Pretty much except for some tops and dresses.
Stretch marks? Nothing so far!
Sleep? Sleep has been great this week and much needed!
PEAK of the week? Spending some quality time off with the hubby for our Anniversary.
PIT of the week? Realizing I will be without a husband for a week. I'm not looking forward to it! I don't know how my Military Momma friends do it! It's just a week and I'm being a pansy ... they do it for months at a time!
Miss anything? I really miss being able to lay on my stomach at the beach. You can dig a hole for your belly to fit into but it's still not comfortable and kind of a pain in the you know what. Meanwhile, my front is looking beautifully bronzed while my backside is still showing my winter coat.
Movement? Always. She's getting stronger too! I'm pretty sure I'll give birth to a Ninja.
Food cravings? My cravings have been moving pretty fast this pregnancy but this baby will not let go of Blueberry Waffles ... I could eat them all day long and not flinch. I'm afraid by the end of this pregnancy I'll look like Violet Beauregarde from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Swinging. Weird, right? I got on the swings at the park and started getting motion sickness. Who knew?!
Gender? Pink, Pink, Pink!
Symptoms? Other than being a little obsessive over Blueberry Waffles not much is going on these days.
Belly button in or out? Flat ... I think it's wanting to start poking out. I'm hoping it stays flat.
Happy or moody? It's been a happy week!
Milestones? Celebrating another year of love this week!
Looking forward to? Getting next week over with so I can have my hubby back home.
Upcoming Appts/Events? Glucose Test May 22nd
Yay for 6 months down! I take the glucose test on Wednesday and SO NOT looking forward to it. My niece was born last night and after hearing she was in labor for 44 hours and then had to do an emergency c section....yeah I am not too excited :)
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite pregnancy photo of you yet, gorgeous! First off, yellow makes me happy. It's just such a happy color! And with your hair pulled up you look even more beautiful than ever (never thought that was possible as you're so beautiful to begin with)! The glucose isn't fun, but it's just one time! Hang in there and I can't wait to see the mobile that you can work on to keep yourself busy while Myke is out of town. P.S.... that's how us military wives get through the time apart, stay busy! Love ya and saying prayers for yall!