Oops ...
I had no intention of skipping week 26, but with the hubby being gone, family coming into town, and a million personal affairs we had to deal with, I had a "Screw it!" moment. My hormones were not forgiving when my husband had to leave town on business. I cried for an entire 24 hour period when he stepped foot on that plane and every conversation we had after that point. I felt so bad that I couldn't keep my emotions in check but thankfully, he was very understanding that I was just being crazy and pregnant. On the plus side, I did manage to keep myself busy with nesting and he came home to an extremely clean house ... it kind of helped make up for all the boo-hooing I did that week. Only 24 hours after landing back at home we welcomed family in town from Alabama for a short but fun-filled weekend. Week 26 was full of go-go-go and boo-hoo-hoo so please forgive my missing update.
While week 27 isn't much less go-go-go, it is nice to have my main squeeze back on the home front to tackle the stressors of life together. We've had a lot going on trying to prepare for Little Miss and we'll be able to share all the details next week! In the meantime, we are excited to check up on Baby Girl's growth tomorrow but this Momma is not so excited for the Glucose Test that follows. I'm hoping it won't be too terrible given my sweet tooth track record this pregnancy. So far, this is my favorite point in this pregnancy. I'm noticing her getting bigger and movement in different places. I'm able to determine her favorite hang out spots in my belly and she loves hearing Daddy's voice and gets so excited when he chats with her. I can't wait to see that bond between them develop even more outside of the womb. It's so surreal that we are heading into the final stretch of things and that next week marks the start of the 3rd trimester! Where did time go?!
I've been working like crazy on the mobile for the nursery. Next post I should have a finished product to show you. My OCD levels went through the roof trying to make sure each crystal had the perfect placement. As if that didn't make me crazy enough, trying to to sew the ruffle for the top of the mobile almost put me into an insane asylum. I needed earmuffs for Mykenzi because a few choice words may or may not have slipped out of my mouth. #whoops #badmommy
How far along? 27 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain? 17.7lbs ... I anticipated being around the 25-30lb weight gain by the end of the pregnancy but we'll see how that goes. I'm not trying to over gain but I'm not really too focused on how much that number is rising. My main goal is a healthy baby girl.
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still loving my dresses.
Stretch marks? So far, so good.
Sleep? Zzz's have been great lately. I still have interruptions with bathroom breaks and baby dance parties but still getting quality sleep so I can't complain.
PEAK of the week? Having my hubby back!
PIT of the week? That dang ruffle for the mobile. My sewing machine almost went through the wall.
Miss anything? Missing time! I feel like things are happening so fast ... I just wish it would slow down just a little bit.
Movement? Oh yeah. Little one has found Momma's ribs and likes to play in them ... her favorite time to play is when Momma wants to sleep. It's uncomfortable now, it scares me that she is only going to get bigger!
Food cravings? Do we even have to discuss this? I really need to be a spokesperson for Waffle House's Blueberry Waffle.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? I'm finding more and more that certain movements give me motion sickness. It's weird! I've never experienced motion sickness before pregnancy so this is a whole new ball game.
Gender? Ribbons & Bows
Symptoms? Motion sickness and Nesting were big ones this week.
Belly button in or out? Flat.
Happy or moody? Pretty happy this week, I'll take it after last week!
Milestones? Feeling movement in different places and she likes to interact with Daddy.
Looking forward to? Next month! While I don't want to fast forward this pregnancy ... June is just jam packed full of exciting things going on.
Upcoming Appts/Events? Glucose Test May 22
I was super stressed about the glucose test because I like to indulge in sugar...a lot. But my dr. said I passed with "flying colors". My advice, take it in the morning before you eat anything. I think the odds of passing are in your favor that way. I know a girl who ate a bowl of cereal before and failed by 2 points, had to take the 3 hour test and passed. Don't make yourself go through it twice!
ReplyDeleteOh, good! Thanks for the tip ... that actually makes me feel a lot better. I was totally stressing too. The guy who did my labs told me not to be alarmed if I failed bc it is pretty common. But, I did have my appt first thing this morning and had been fasting since Midnight so hopefully I'll pass too! :) *fingers crossed*