Two weeks into the third trimester and I'm finally getting why people always "want the baby out!" by this time ... this little girl has taken up all available real estate and has nothing left to do but squish every last organ I own. While it is very uncomfortable at times, I'm still not at the point of wishing this baby out juuuuust yet. I'm sure between packing, moving, and her growth spurts I'll be joining that club fairly soon.
Packing while being pregnant brings out an insane form of nesting. I think it's pretty cool ... I mean, I've never been more organized in my life. My husband, on the other hand, thinks I'm a lunatic and I'm pretty sure I've driven him to the brink of insanity more than once. Good thing he loves me. Things seem to be going pretty well and hopefully things will continue to be smooth sailing. We've been showing our current townhouse to potential renters and it's making things super real! I'm so excited to have my own home and never thought this process would be as bittersweet as it's turning out. As I pack my things, I find myself in a daze thinking of all the memories these walls hold for the Browns. We planned our wedding in this house, we came home as "The Browns" in this house, and we found out our family was expanding to three in this house. Pretty important memories happened here ... It makes it hard to say goodbye, but our new home will hold the most important memory and that will be bringing home Baby Brown. I can't wait!
While no DIY projects are happening right now, we do get to shoot our first set of maternity pictures this coming weekend! I'm really excited because we will be shooting with Robert with Forever Young Images who also shot our engagement and wedding photos. His work always blows me away and I can't wait to see what he has in store for our maternity shoot. Hopefully, I will be able to share some sneaks with you all soon!
How far along? 29 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain? 20.7lbs #oink
Maternity clothes? Yes. Although, I wore a pair of full panel jeans for the first time the other day and thought I was going to die. I was in so much pain I seriously contemplated the hospital because I had no idea what I was feeling. I finally made it home and took off the full panel pants only to find that's what was killing me! It was pulling my belly down creating an immense amount of pressure. I will be sticking to the ones that slide right under your belly. That was awful!
Stretch marks? Not yet, I'm trying to keep as moisturized as possible.
Sleep? Sleep sounds amazing. I wish I was still getting some. I can not get comfortable to save my life, even with my body pillow. My hips, back, and this baby don't think I need sleep so running on fumes is the norm ... I just keep telling myself its preparing me for the Newborn stage.
PEAK of the week? Getting organized!
PIT of the week? I officially pee'd my pants for the first time. I had no idea I even had to go the bathroom until I sneezed and it was accompanied with a wet surprise. I gasped and my mother came running over thinking I hurt myself ... I was laughing so hysterically I could barely mutter the words, "I just pee'd my pants." Now sneezing is accompanied with awkward poses to brace myself in case it happens again. Not something I'm crazy about, but it was a good chuckle ... and hey, I know I'm not the only one. #motherhood
Miss anything? Besides sleep? Missing being able to do things myself. I hate feeling helpless and the further along I get the less things I can actually do for myself ... like carry the vacuum up and down the stairs ... simple, yet impossible at the moment.
Movement? Wiggle worm. I'm interested to see how wiggly she is outside the womb because this girl is all types of crazy in the womb.
Food cravings? Waffles, duh. I've also found that Orange Juice is incredibly thirst quenching this week. I know the baby requires a little more Vitamin C for her hardening bones so I'm wondering if this is my body's way of making sure she gets it considering in early pregnancy it made me sick as a dog.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Full panel maternity pants. I felt terrible!
Gender? Pretty in Pink!
Symptoms? Besides aches and pains I'm starting to look like a road map from all the veins from my bust to my belly ... they are everywhere!
Belly button in or out? Pretty dang flat.
Happy or moody? Hangin on happy! Can't complain!
Milestones? Having her directly respond to our touch. It's pretty cool to have direct interaction without seeing her yet!
Looking forward to? Maternity pictures! I'm excited to have some done when I'm not totally huge and then we are having another session closer to full term.
Upcoming Appts/Events? Appt June 11th, Childbirth Class June 11th, House Closing, and Baby Shower!
Looking good! I am the total opposite with the pants! I like the full panel as the other ones sit too tight underneath my belly. So exciting about moving!!