We are officially in the home stretch! Happy 3rd Trimester! Whoa!
I can't believe the final trimester is already here! It's definitely started with a bang! There is so much going on at the moment and so much to look forward to ... I'm sure I'm going to blink and it'll be August and I'll be in labor.
First, if you haven't heard yet ... We are buying a house! We close Mid-June and we are pretty pumped. We tossed around the idea of looking and possibly buying ... a long, emotional road later we are signing documents and ordering inspections. Crazy! We originally put an offer in on this house the beginning of April and lost a bidding war. Feeling defeated, we decided we were staying put where we are ... and of course after that decision was made we received a phone call that stated the winning offer's financing fell through and asked if we were still interested. This has been an incredibly tedious and trying process but we know it will be worth it in the end. This will be our first home we own together and also the first "home" we have lived in together. As long as we have been living together it has always been in a townhome complex with connected walls of some sort ... so having our own four walls is going to be a real treat!
Say hello to the Brown residence! #homesweethome
In other news, I fiiiinnnally finished the mobile for the nursery that I feel like I've been talking about for months! It was definitely one of those projects that I underestimated but a little extra elbow-grease and a few minor breakdowns later it is finished and ready to hang! This is definitely not a project for the impatient ... which is something I didn't consider and I do not own a lick of patience. Thankfully, I have a super patient husband that talked me off the ledge more than once. I'm taking a small break from any big DIY projects until we get moved so I can get packed, moved, and settled before little miss makes her debut. Next on the DIY list will be Mykenzi's coral dresser but that will be after all this moving madness!
As if my week wasn't eventful enough, I also had my Glucose Screening and a check-up this week. I was dreading this Glucose test ... I've heard nothing but horror stories so I was really apprehensive going in. Thankfully, my appointment was first thing in the morning so I got to get it out of the way pretty early in my day. I'm not going to lie ... I rather enjoyed my orange drink. I think baby girl may have enjoyed it too ... we were both bouncing off the walls during that hour waiting period. While waiting to get my blood taken we visited our Doctor for a mini check-up and I found myself in a giggle frenzy while Mykenzi used the 5 D's of Dodgeball and dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and dodged the Doctor for a heartbeat. We made quite the pair and gave our Doctor a good laugh for the day ... he said everything was measuring perfect and sent us on our way. He mentioned no news is good news for the results of my test ... I haven't heard anything yet so I'm hoping we passed! I'll get the final results at our appointment in a few weeks.
Next week will be full of packing, purging, and organizing so hopefully something interesting will happen so it won't be the dullest blog post on the planet. I know how much you guys would love to hear about packing things into boxes! #boooring
How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain? 19.1lbs ... creepin on that 20lb mark!
Maternity clothes? Yes and no. I did find a pair of shorts this week that have been too big for quite some time. They now fit and they magically button. Buttoning things these days is a huge victory!
Stretch marks? Not yet, but I'm growing so I'm getting nervous!
Sleep? I think my days of rest are over. This week has been full of lower back/hip pain and finding a comfortable position for this belly which is proving to not be an easy task. It's also hard to find comfort when tiny little toes are tickling your ribs ... sounds cute, but doesn't feel so cute.
PEAK of the week? Sharing our house news and completing the mobile for the nursery. It's really cool to see everything coming together. I can't wait to put her nursery together in the new house.
PIT of the week? Growing pains! Little Miss is remodeling for more square footage and wreaking havoc on Momma's body. Ouchie.
Miss anything? I'm missing my Peplums and Crop Tops ... two things you can't pull off with a big ole belly. I love carrying baby girl but I can't wait to get back to my fashionable side ... which is something I'm determined to do as a new Mom. I refuse to let myself go because of Motherhood. I know there will be days where a ponytail and sweats are a going to be a staple but I plan to take an active approach to keep my appearance together ... for myself and for my man.
Movement? The better question is when doesn't she move. I found her foot on my side the other day and she kicked my hand so hard for touching it ... I think I'm in trouble in the attitude department. #likemotherlikedaughter
Food cravings? I'll give you a guess! It's blue ... It's berry and it comes in waffle form. I'm shocked this craving has been around for so long ... at this point I'm scared I'm going to give birth to a Blueberry Waffle. In the meantime, the staff at Waffle House knows me pretty well.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Apparently blood. Who knew? Blood has never made me squirm before but this weekend my husband cut his toe open and blood was everywhere. I'm talking murder scene amounts of blood ... it was nuts. The moment I found the source of where the blood was so nicely gushing from I immediately went white, got nauseous, and almost passed out. I'm such a great nurse, huh? Between him losing an insane amount of blood and me trying not to pass out, we looked like dumb and dumber trying fit a square peg into a round hole.
Gender? Baby Brown is a Baby Girl!
Symptoms? Back/Hip pain and carpal tunnel were big this week. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both hands 3 years ago but decided to forego surgery at that time. I've been able to keep it at bay by wearing a brace and stretching, but adding pregnancy into the mix has taken it two a whole new level of ouch!
Belly button in or out? Just when I thought it couldn't get any flatter ... it did.
Happy or moody? Pretty happy. Starting to get a little stressed with the move and everything happening in June but so far it hasn't made any appearances in the form of Moody.
Milestones? Finding baby's foot in my belly. It was pretty neat to be able to identify a body part without actually seeing it.
Looking forward to? Making a house a "home!"
Congratulations on the new home! Just Try not to over do it with the move! And be on the lookout sometime next week for a gift for little miss Mykenzie! Miss yall!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kim! I have strict orders from the hubby to take it easy so no worries! ;) Miss y'all! Can't wait to see what you have in store for Mykenzi ... how sweet of you to send something! Thank you!
DeleteSo exciting about the move!! We are looking too but have decided to just create the nursery where we are at since we are 11 weeks away from giving birth. It's been torture to not set up the nursery!!