10 weeks to go! Whoa! Ish is getting real people! This pregnancy really has just flown by (I know I've said that like every post, but seriously! It has!) ... and I'm sure the next 10 weeks will be no different. It's so surreal knowing that in a few short weeks that my life will change forever and I finally get to meet this little life I've been harboring for the past 30 weeks.
Things on the home front are still going well ... I'm trying really hard to take things in stride. I've finally come to terms that at this point in the pregnancy I'm no longer a spring chicken. I still have my stubborn moments but I'm getting a lot better at asking for help and not doing too much. We finally get to sign all the papers and get the keys to the house this coming week so we are pretty excited to get settled in as quickly as possible and enjoy the last remaining days before Mykenzi makes her arrival. Well, that's the plan anyway ... we'll see if it actually works out that way. #nothingevergoesasplanned
How far along? 30 weeks, 6 days (little late this week!)
Total weight gain? 23.1lbs ... just keeps climbing!
Maternity clothes? Yes, but I'm finding that I'm just more comfortable in dresses.
Stretch marks? Not yet! Hopefully never!
Sleep? Sleep at night is the pits, but I can nap like a champ. It's weird. I can't ever get comfortable or stay asleep at night but if I lay down for a nap I'm a goner! Naps are the only way I'm surviving these days.
PEAK of the week? Maternity pictures! They came out amazing! I'm so thankful to have captured this beautiful moment in our lives. If you missed that post check it out here!
PIT of the week? Bug bites from the park we took the pictures! Those little boogers itch like crazy and I have about 12 of them.
Miss anything? Missing being able to move around like a 30 year old and not a 90 year old. I can't do much without shortness of breath.
Movement? Yes, all up in my ribs! Little lady is beating me up in there!
Food cravings? The waffles are still present in the diet, but I don't "have" to have them as much anymore. I've been dreaming about Ruby Tuesday's salad bar for days now ... I think I may have to give in.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Getting too full! My love affair with food is being interrupted by not being able to eat as much as she gets bigger. Cutting myself off so I don't overeat is proving to be a hard task.
Gender? Baby Girl!
Symptoms? Shortness of breath, leg cramps in the morning when I wake up, and heartburn has returned.
Belly button in or out? Still flat as a board.
Happy or moody? Pretty happy, but I'm finding that tears happen very easily lately ... especially when laughing. If I laugh too hard at something it quickly turns into sobbing. It's the weirdest thing. I've never felt more crazy in my life.
Milestones? Hitting the 30's in the week ... only a few short weeks left! Ahh!
Looking forward to? Closing on your house and getting those keys!
We have our baby shower on the same day! And heartburn has been such a pain!! Ugh it's the worst!