Saturday, June 21, 2014

31 Weeks

What it is it about being 30+ weeks pregnant and the slightest bit of stress sends you into a hyperventilating hot mess?  This week hasn’t been the easiest of weeks and boy am I feeling the effects.  I don’t know why I thought buying a house and moving while 7/8 months pregnant was an awesome idea.  Holy stress ball!  It doesn’t matter how organized or prepared you are it is still an incredibly stressful experience.  I made the mistake of breaking down in front of my husband the other day and he went instant protective Daddy mode and sent me to bed and didn't let me move a muscle unless it was to go to the restroom.  Let’s talk about how hard forced bed rest is when you have 51 million things to be doing … but I was a good little mommy and respected his wishes and “took a chill pill” as he said.  Family and friends have since been informed that they cannot speak to me if it involves any stressful piece of information.  This girl is on a husband induced stress-free lockdown!  While I feel it’s a little inconvenient … I do think it’s kinda cute he cares so much.

While this week has been one of the most stressful yet, I am super excited to be celebrating my baby shower this weekend!  I’m ready for some much needed time with my ladies to laugh, celebrate, and let the stresses melt away.  I’m so fortunate to have a group of incredible ladies put so much time and effort in planning a baby shower for me.  I can’t wait to see what they have in store because I know it’s going to be beautiful!  I'll be sure to share some photos next week!

Next week all the final prep work will be done on the house and we can officially start moving our stuff in and settling down.  I’m so ready to use July and August to relax before Baby makes her way in this world.  I need some serious down time and I’m only getting more uncomfortable by the day.  This little lady is putting a killing on my poor little ribs.  Hopefully she will be a lot sweeter once she gets here because right now she is being a little mean to my bones and organs … At this point in time, Mykenzi does not play well with others.

How far along?  31 weeks, 6 days (So late, but there’s so much going on! Ahh!)

Total weight gain?  23.1lbs – I haven’t weighed myself since last post.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, but still sticking to little dresses because it’s the easiest thing to wear in this heat.

Stretch marks?  Not yet, but they may be on the horizon … I don’t know how much further my skin can stretch!

Sleep?  Terrible! But I’m functioning ok.  Naps are getting me through.

PEAK of the week?  We closed on our house! Yay!

PIT of the week?  Stressing myself out to the max! 

Miss anything?  Miss being able to breathe without feeling like there is a 2 ton elephant sitting on my chest.  Also, I miss being able to sleep in any position I dang well please! I’m really missing sleeping on my stomach.

Movement?  Oh yeah.  My poor little ribs are so freaking sore from some sweet little feet poking around.

Food cravings?  Well, I haven’t had a waffle in a week, but they still sound amazing.  I broke down and had a Lenny’s Sub the other day with Jalapeno Chips and it was pure heaven … until heartburn set in from the chips. Whoops.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Our stairs! I get so winded going up and down our stairs it makes me nauseous.  Good thing this is the last week I have to deal with them!

Gender?  Girl, Girl, Girl!

Symptoms?  Heartburn like whoa! Also, Carpal Tunnel came back this week with a vengeance … my hands twitch randomly.  It’s crazy.

Belly button in or out?  Flat … You can’t even tell it’s a belly button.

Happy or moody?  Still pretty happy with a side of stress. 

Milestones?  I've officially lost sight of my toes.  I have no idea when it happened … I looked down the other day and my little feet were nowhere to be found.

Looking forward to?  My baby shower!  I’m excited to see all my lady friends!

Upcoming Appts/Events?  Moving Day! Yay!  Appt June 24th, Childbirth Class June 25th


  1. Hang in there girl! I was just thinking this morning that little one is being kind to me by not entering my ribcage just yet. I have a feeling my days are numbered! We decided to postpone the house hunt because with less than 60 days left I told my husband it was too much to think about. So we moved onto car shopping and will start the house hunt back up again in December. Take it easy!!

  2. Your husband certainly knows how to deal with your situation. Buying a house and being pregnant are already quite hard by themselves; what more if they are occuring at the same time? I know you want to participate in house buying, but it seems you are in the closing stages already. Letting your hubby do all of the work at this stage would be a good idea. Good luck on the house and on your pregnancy!

    Derek Cunningham@ H2 Real Estate


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