Well, this is my last official post coming from Tooke Place Condominium/Townhomes. Such a bittersweet picture ... as I mentioned in previous posts there were lots of memories made here including our sweet Mykenzi. Next week we will be my first official post in the new house! I'm sad to leave the memories in this townhouse but I'm eager to start making new ones in our own home.
This week has been full of kitchen projects, paint samples, and cleaning in preparation for moving our stuff in this weekend. Our timeline of events has been shot to hell and back so we are just taking things one day at a time. We are attempting to re-paint the kitchen cabinets and thought it would be a 2-3 day job ... we spent 4 hours on the first night just getting the kitchen cabinet doors off to start the refinish process. Sanding was supposed to be started and finished at that point. Paint had been so caked on the cabinet doors and over the hardware that I spent my time picking paint out of the Phillips part of the screw with a needle just so my husband could get the drill to grasp the screw to get the cabinet door off. I'd like to think that one day we'll look back and laugh and say, "Remember when we were 8 months pregnant and we bought this house and you spent an entire night picking paint out of a screw holes with a needle?!" While it doesn't sound fun, and believe me it's not, we are already making memories in our new home ... and that's kind of cool.
We've also started childbirth classes which are quite interesting I might add. This class gets down to the nitty gritty of childbirth and while some of the pictures and things talked about are a little un-nerving, I'm not totally scared sh**less yet ... but we also haven't gotten to the video portion of the class, so that could change. We did take a tour of Labor & Delivery this week and it was a better experience than I could have ever predicted. Something about seeing where you are going to deliver and how things work is actually quite calming. I didn't expect to gain as much as I did from that experience and I'm thankful I had the opportunity to see it first hand. I'm very much the anxious type when it comes to something I can't predict or something that I don't know enough about (like labor! eek!) but at least seeing the rooms and tools used and how the process works gave me a little bit of insight to take the edge off. It also didn't hurt that in the middle of our tour a baby girl was born and being wheeled to the nursery with a proud papa in tow. My heart just melted and all I could think about was how I couldn't wait for that very moment.
Hopefully by this time next week I'll be a little settled in the new home and I can stop boring you all with this moving talk and get on with my baby projects! I'm so so freaking excited to get my hands on the nursery and start setting it up. Our crib arrives this weekend and I can't wait to see everything come together!
How far along? 32 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain? 25.2lbs ... we've officially hit the 25lb mark!
Maternity clothes? I have lived in my husband's tees and leggings this week ... and let me tell ya ... I don't hate it.
Stretch marks? No signs yet!
Sleep? Blaaaaah. I'm getting some sleep but not comfortably.
PEAK of the week? Touring labor and delivery.
PIT of the week? Finding out all my crib bedding is back-ordered! This Momma does not have time for that nonsense.
Miss anything? I miss feeling comfortable in my skin. I've developed a nice waddle, my belly weighs more everyday, and if my bladder gets any tinier I won't have a bladder.
Movement? Oh yes!
Food cravings? That Lenny's Sub craving with the Jalapeno Chips craving has been lingering! And pickles! I had no interest in eating pickles but I smelled pickles for 2 straight days and it was amazing. It was the weirdest thing ... I just woke up and could smell pickles and it stayed around for a couple of days. It got to the point I had to ask if it was me ... the smell followed me everywhere! Good news ... I did not smell like pickles.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Too much activity ... which doesn't take much these days.
Gender? Little Lady
Symptoms? Still having carpal tunnel symptoms pretty bad and slight swelling my my feet/ankles.
Belly button in or out? There is no in or out about it ... its flat!
Happy or moody? Still pretty happy ... and my emotions have even taken a chill pill this week. Although, I did have an irritable day once this week ... but in my defense I literally had 2 hours of sleep.
Milestones? Obtaining keys to our very first home!
Looking forward to? Settling into our new home and getting my hands on that nursery!
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