Oh, heeey guys! It’s kind of hard to keep your blog updated when you don’t have cable/internet hooked up yet! I had it all planned out … we had the cable company coming out early this past week to get everything all hooked up. Well, we learned that when they repainted our house before it went on the market they disconnected all the cable wiring to the house so they now have to do a full install instead of the simple “turn on” installation we requested … and of course they couldn’t schedule that until the following week. Got to love utility companies … no sense of urgency or willingness to help.
Home ownership has taught us an awful lot about Murphy’s Law. If it has the possibility of going wrong,
chances are it probably will. My
patience has never been tested so much as it has in the past week. Normally not armed with a lick of patience, I
have been doing surprisingly well.
Letting go of control for me is tough, but things are out of my hands at
this point so I’m taking it day by day.
Also, a four letter “F” word followed by the word “it” has been my go-to
form of therapy.
Despite all the difficulties we have still managed to
embrace the process and keep laughing. Let’s
not forget that there’s always good with the bad. Sure, we’ve had a few hiccups but those
things will never take away the pride we feel in owning our own home. I’ve been enjoying the little things like
playing my music as loud as I want, not being worried about TV volume, and just
not having to worry about my walls being connected to neighbors. Living in close quarters with connected
neighbors for years makes you very aware of how loud you are, so not worrying
about those things anymore kind of makes us feel like rebels. #takingawalkonthewildside
I’m dying to get in the nursery, but making sure the house
is functional for our day to day routine has taken priority this week. Mykenzi’s crib came in and the box taunts me every
time I walk by her room. I can hardly
stand the wait to get it out of the box and all set up … I’m hoping by next
week I’ll be able to get in there and nest.
How far along? 33 weeks,
6 days
Total weight gain? 25.8lbs … I’m definitely feeling
that extra 25lbs these days.
Maternity clothes? Still
sticking to the hubby’s tees and leggings right now.
Stretch marks? I don’t
know how but I’ve still managed to escape the wrath of stretch marks at the
Sleep? is
terribleeeee. Mykenzi’s sweet little
kicks have turned into a full on butt kicking.
I kept twitching in bed the other night and my husband asked what I was
doing … I replied, “THAT is your child!” This little girl is strong! Not to mention, having two fur babies who are
completely stressed by the move hasn't helped the sleeping situation either.
PEAK of the week? I
entered a giveaway by Freshly Picked and Sassy Baby Essentials via Instagram
and won! I was super shocked and
incredibly excited! Baby girl got a
fresh new pair of Moccasins and some of the cutest headbands added to her
wardrobe this week!
PIT of the week? Feeling
unsettled! I feel like my entire house
is in disarray and my anxiety levels are super high!
Miss anything?
SLEEP! I would give anything for
a quality night’s sleep! I know, I know …
get used to no sleep.
Movement? Uh, Duh. My ribs have become a jungle gym.
Food cravings? I’m having
random cravings. They don’t stick around
long but I’ll wake up and decide I want something and absolutely HAVE to have
it. It has been anything from a frosted
donut to Olive Garden’s salad. I also
got a Blueberry Waffle fix this week.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Doing okay this week.
Gender? All things Pink!
Symptoms? Carpal Tunnel …
it is driving me insane! One of the
worst symptoms I’ve had this entire pregnancy.
Belly button in or out?
Flat as a board.
Happy or moody? I’ve been
a little Grumpy Gus this week. Oops.
Milestones? Baby girl has
her own room and a crib! Now we just
have to get it set up!
Looking forward to?
Getting settled in … and getting in that nursery!
Hi, I'm a brand new follower! :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, a new house! That is so exciting. My husband and I closed in March and it is so fun to decorate! I wasn't pregnant until shortly after we moved though, so I can't imagine the stress of both moving and being pregnant at the same time. Hang in there though! You will love having your own place!
Hi I love your blog and linked it on mine; Hope that that's ok and you enjoy the feature! congrats on the new house!
Hi! I'm so happy you enjoy reading here! I'm still new to the blogging world but I have returned the favor and have you linked on mine! Thank you so much for the link! :) I look forward to reading your posts!