Monday, September 29, 2014

Mykenzi Lately

Well, hello there blog world!  It's been a little while!  If you like lots of picutres ... this post is for you!  If you follow me on Instagram then some of these may be repeats. #sorrynotsorry

However, I am sorry for the lack of reading material lately but this Momma got cleared from the Doctor last week and well, this is a pretty accurate description of what it felt like ....

Recovering from a C-section is more complicated than I ever imagined. Realistically you don't have time for recovery since you have a baby to care for ... I mean, they don't care that you have a gash from hip to hip, they need milk and they need it now.  Mid-way through recovery I shot up in the  middle of the night because it sounded like Mykenzi was choking (Paranoid Mom Moment) and I felt a pop followed by pain for the next several days.  The bleeding that had finally subsided had started again ... it was one heck of a reminder to take it easy.  Thankfully, no damage was done.  Though I am cleared to resume normal activities I'm still numb at my waistline, still swollen below the incision site, and still feel bruised from the inside.  All completely normal feelings, fun right?!  My Doctor said it can take up to a year for you to fully recover from a C-Section ... WHAT?!  I appreciate his honesty but nothing like looking forward to numbness and random sharp pains for the next year.

Normal activities means I can lift things heavier than the baby ... so I can finally lift the baby in the car seat in and out of the car by myself, as well as, the stroller.  Being confined to the house for 6 weeks because you couldn't lift anyting or drive was starting to drive me batty.  Cabin fever along with Mom brain resulted in this:

Normal activities also means that I am cleared to workout ... oh, joy.  While I'm eager to get back to my pre-baby body ... I wish it didn't have to involve working out.  My lack of motivation combined with my lack of patience results in things like this:

BUT the weather has been gorgeous lately and my husband is great at coaching me out of the house ... so we've been taking little M on walks around the neighborhood.  She last .2 seconds before she is zonked out for the entire trip.

That's enough about me ... Mykenzi has changed so much in the two weeks since her 1 month update.  Smiles are no longer gas induced,  she's awake longer during the day, more active, and is even starting to mimic the noises you make.  It's amazing how much of an idiot you will make yourself sound like in order to get a smile or a coo from your child.  I attempted a video to catch Mykenzi in the act, but knowing you sound like an idiot is one thing ... confirming it with a video is another.

She loves swinging in her swing, riding in the car, and her stroller.  Tummy time is more enjoyable now that her head cooperates, ceiling fans are her favorite thing to stare at, and she loves music and kicks her legs like crazy when it plays.  Speaking of music, Mykenzi got a taste of the thug life the other day ...

Things with her are changing on the daily.  I can't believe how much she grows in such a short amount of time ... she's already showing she is an independent little girl.  I hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the butt a couple of years from now.  I can't wait to see what's next on this winding road of parenthood.  She is such a joy and I'm loving being her Mom.  

This past week was Mykenzi's first road trip.  My Grandmother and Mother live in Pensacola which is about an hour away from where I live.  Since I was cleared to drive, we took the opportunity to take the day and drive up to see my Mom and have Mykenzi meet her Great Grandmother, as well as, her Great Aunt.  Aside from becoming a professional contortionist to get her car seat in and out of my 2DR Coupe, we had a blast.

In a few short weeks Mykenzi will be 2 months old! I can't believe it!  It's so cliche but time truly does fly!  We will be headed back to the Doctor for her 2 Month Well Check and I'm super excited to see how much she's grown!  In the meantime, here is some 6 week cuteness to hold you over:

Happy Monday Y'all!


  1. What a sweet smile!! And I am right there with you on the recovery. My scar is still numb and I swear when my bladder is full that I feel some serious pain at the incision site! (sorry, TMI)

    Your pics are gorgeous, too!!

    1. Thank you! Girl, no worries on TMI ... I know EXACTLY what you mean!

  2. Such a doll! Girl, I don't even want to know what it's like to recover from a c-section!! Just sounds awful - as if new moms don't have enough shit to worry about!


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