Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hello, November

It's a crisp, cool morning here in Florida.  The season of Fall is slowly making it's way in!  It's finally time to break out the boots, leggings, and sweaters! Hallelujah!

I've been talking about an overhaul to Baking Baby Brown for quite some time.  It took me a while to really define the look I wanted for this blog.

I finally found the perfect look and have Leanne at Brand Me Beautiful to thank!  If you are looking for a blog update be sure to check out her templates.  They are gorgeous!

I figured a new month was the perfect time to unveil Baking Baby Brown's update!

Happy November Readers!

Enjoy your weekend ... I'll have some good reading for you next week!


  1. Love your new look! Your picture is gorgeous, too! :)

  2. I LOVE the new look so much! I'm getting mine re-designed too pretty soon, but we have to save up a little money first (self-hosted Wordpress... very expensive to design UGH). My husband is actually saving up to get me the new design for Christmas. :)

    Anyway, I really do love your new design. It looks really great!

    1. Thank you! Doing a re-design was so fun! I'm excited to see your blog re-design! Are you doing a name change as well, or are you staying Steph the Bookworm?

    2. I decided to keep the name because it's been my blog name for over 5 years now and has become my online name everywhere lol. Plus I am definitely still a bookworm... I'm a librarian, after all! :)


Thanks for stopping by Baking Baby Brown! I love hearing from my readers!