I call it, "Ins-MOM-nia" ... It's every possible thought a Mom can have that keeps her from her much needed beauty sleep. It's no wonder I'm constantly sporting dark circles and bags ... it's not the baby, it's the ins-MOM-nia!
Here's a little preview of my nightly neurotic-ness:
- Ahh! I'm so tired!
- (Staring at the baby) Gosh, she is so precious. I can't believe I made her.
- Sigh, I miss her. Hmm, maybe I can convince the hubby to let me bring her in the bed with us.
- No. No. No. Be strong! You don't want to become dependent on co-sleeping!
- But she's such a good snuggler, I bet we'd both get some great sleep if I put her on my chest.
- No. You can do this ... leave her in her bassinet.
- (Checks to see if the baby is breathing)
- I'll just Pinterest until I'm tired ... shouldn't be long, I'll zonk right out.
- (45 minutes later) I can't wait to try all these baby activities I just pinned.
- (Baby makes noise) What was that?! Is she ok? Maybe she'll wake up and I can coax her back to sleep on my chest!
- Dang, she just re-adjusted. Boo.
- (Staring at the baby) Gosh, I just love her so much.
- (Checks to see if the baby is breathing)
- I wish she would stay little.
- She's growing up so fast ... too fast. Oh my god, she's almost 3 months old!
- (Staring at pictures on my phone) She was so tiny! What happened?!
- I can't wait for her to say, "Momma!" But that requires her growing up.
- Ok, you've really got to go to sleep. You're going to be mad when the baby wakes up to eat and
you've just gone to sleep.
- (Baby makes noise) Oh, is she waking up?!
- Ugh, nope. Just wiggling. Hmm, I wonder if I swaddled her too tight? No, she should be ok.
- Omgsh, what if she is swaddled too tight?! What kind of complications does that cause?!
- Google "Complications from Swadding too tight"
- (Checks to see if the baby is breathing)
- Okay, you just need to chill out. I highly doubt she's swaddled too tight.
- (Staring at the baby) Aww, she's just so peaceful.
- Okay, get yourself together, you've GOT to go to sleep!
- (Strange noise) What was that? Was it the cats?
- What if someone is breaking in? What would I do?
- It was probably just the cats.
- Ugh, I'm hot. I wonder if the baby is hot? (Sticks feet out of covers)
- (5 minutes later) Holy geez, I'm freezing. I hope the baby isn't cold.
- Crap, I gotta pee. (Goes to bathroom)
- (Checks to see if baby is breathing)
- Okay, let's try this again. (Finally falls alseep)
- (Baby, makes noise) You wanna eat now? Can I have 5 more minutes?
Moms, please tell me I'm not crazy and you suffer from ins-MOM-nia too!
hahaha this is just great and sooo true. ps. love the layout by the way!
ReplyDeleteLol, too funny! Sounds like me already with all my worrying... and ahhh it intensifies after having a baby?! Uh oh. ;)
ReplyDeleteSo true! Especially the last line!! I look at baby clothing online when I try to fall asleep. My husband says I need something else to help because we get packages daily! Oops!
ReplyDeleteOh girl, I feel you on this! You are far from crazy!! Although I must admit, I felt totally crazy when I was so sleep deprived. Ugh! It got better for me so hopefully it does for you as well!