My sweet girl is 3 months old! We are officially leaving the newborn stage behind which makes me excited and sad at the same time. Deep in the trenches of sleep deprivation and foreign baby language, I never thought I'd miss that stage as much as I do. Now Mykenzi is getting more independent by the day. She doesn't even want to be rocked to sleep at night anymore! Tear. She just wants to be put in a tight swaddle, with a paci in her mouth, in her bassinet, and she drifts off to dreamland all by herself. Thankfully, she still likes to be rocked during naps so I'm savoring every last rocking session I can these days.
The last 3 months have been the best of my life. The amount of love you feel as a mother is so overwhelming. I'm in awe every day of this little life we've created and how much richer she has made our lives. I'm excited for the future and to watch her grow, but I am in no hurry for it to get here.
I found my feet.
Age: 3 Months
Weight: 12lbs 0oz
Length: 25.5 inches
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): We are currently on our last box of size 1 diapers ... we are transitioning to size 2! She is currently wearing 3M clothes with some 6M sleepers.
Eyes: The most beautiful Blue! We are starting to see some very faint green around the pupil area so we are wondering if they are in the midst of a color change! I can't wait to see what they are going to be.
Hair: Light Brown and it has gotten thicker this month. It's starting to grow and curl more. She still has a chance to lose it, but I'm hoping she doesn't.
Sleeping: I can't really complain! Baby girl is giving us 5-7 hours on average and has even been nice enough to throw in a handful of all-nighters. She goes down between 9-10pm and is up anywhere from 4-6am and is back down until 9-10am. This Momma has been very fortunate in the sleep department. I'm hoping this isn't the calm before the 4-month sleep regression storm.
Eating: She is eating about 3-4 ounces every 3-4 hours during the day. We are nursing all day so its hard to say how much she actually receives from me unless I have a pumped bottle ready to go. She is fed a 4oz formula bottle for her bedtime and mid-morning feedings.
Milestones: Mykenzi has hit a couple milestones this month! She is resting on her arms and holding her head up while on her tummy ... and has also figured out that she can get out of tummy time by rolling to her back. She is starting to grab anything she can get her hands on. Pun intended.
Memorable Outings: I think I may change this question to just "outings" since every outing at this point in her life is memorable. We are very lucky to have a laid-back baby who is such a trooper when we are out and about. Momma has been on the hunt for a 4-door and Mykenzi has been my test-drive buddy ... after all she is the reason for the 4 door.
Loves: Still loving life in the Moby Wrap, which makes grocery shopping a breeze! We bought her the Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Mobile on a recommendation. (Thanks, Happily Ever Parker!) We figured she loves talking to the ceiling fan so much, why not an interactive mobile for her crib ... to say she loves it is an understatement. She will smile and talk to all the sea animals until she tuckers herself out. It's made the nap time transition to the crib easy peasy, not to mention Momma's productivity level has gone way up! She also loves, loves, loves bath time. I've been too busy cracking up and having fun during bath time to take pictures but I'll be sure to share some precious bath fun soon!
Hates: Tummy Time, which I find a little funny. Now that she can actually prop herself up and hold her head steady she hates it. Yet, when she would face plant constantly she loved it. Weird kid. She also hates laying down which is kind of unfortunate since she is unable to sit up by herself just yet. Hopefully a Bumbo will help with that situation. Do your babies love the Bumbo?
Words/Sounds: She has said Momma a handful of times! Before you roll your eyes, I know she hasn't meant it ... it's all a part of her baby jibber jabber but this Momma will take it! I can't wait until she says it for real! Other than that she is cooing and squeaking on the regular!
Nicknames: Mykenzi's fourth toe curls underneath all her other toes. Its kind of funny looking, but totally normal. The Doctor told us the correct medical term for this was in fact, "curly toes." Grandma likes to call her Twinkle Toes for that reason. I have a tendency to call her Booger Butt for some unknown reason. It just happened one day and kind of stuck. Daddy likes to call her his little Acorn in spite of the traditional "Peanut." And of course, we still like to throw in our non-internet appropriate nickname.
Funny Moments: Mykenzi always has us laughing. I think that is the joy in having a baby. At 3 months she is already quite the ham. Here recently, on one of our outings we were changing Mykenzi in the front seat. She has this new habit of peeing again right when Daddy opens her diaper. Notice I said "new habit," ... Daddy hasn't quite gotten used to this habit resulting in pee all over his hands, the front seat, and all over Mykenzi's outfit. Good thing Momma always has an extra onesie in the diaper bag. It provided a good chuckle.
Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving! We travel to Alabama every year for Thanksgiving to see my husband's extended family. Thanksgiving is a day full of Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, 2nd Cousins, and let's not leave out the good ol' southern cooking. His extended family hasn't met Mykenzi yet, so we are all very excited to celebrate her first Thanksgiving together. Last Thanksgiving we were asked when we were going to be bringing an extra little person to celebrate ... little did we know Mykenzi was already growing in Momma's belly!
Happy 3 months, sweet Mykenzi! I love your nicknames.. booger butt is one of my faves too! :)
ReplyDeleteShe is sooooo cute!! We love the bumbo :) I may have to look into that mobil!
ReplyDeleteAw how cute! She's getting so big!