This is my first link up for a Five on Friday post! Thanks to Laura for helping a girl figure this out!
I am linking up with April and friends for five things rolling around my noggin today!
So I've noticed that Mykenzi has developed a few Eczema patches on her belly. I use a sensitive, dye, and scent free detergent, as well as, Aveeno Baby Bath products. Her Pediatrician says that this is completely normal for babies her age and that her Eczema is very mild compared to most cases in babies. I'm thankful that she doesn't seem to have it bad, but this Momma is on the hunt to make it go away! The Pediatrician had a few recommendations and I of course took to my good friend Google to research my little Momma heart out. I then thought about the Honest Company ... they are a little pricier than I'd like but if it helps my babe I'm all for it. I started going through their list of products and reviews and I think it is going to be our best bet. I opted for the Free Trial of the Essentials Bundle so I can test out the products before I pay full price for them. I can't wait to use these products and see if Mykenzi reacts well. Any of you Mommas out there use the Honest Company? I'd love to hear from you!
2 T W O
Hair is everywhere! I feel like an old Dashboard Confessional song [your hair is everywhere, screaming infedilities...] but seriously, everywhere. I don't know how I still have any left on my head. I was going to wait to get a trim since it's falling out everywhere and I really don't style it anyways. 97% of the time you will find my hair in a top knot which is starting to take its toll. My hair hurts from having it up all the time and I'm starting to get the worst headaches. I figured I'd make a hair appointment and see if it made me feel any better ... worst case scenario the shampoo portion alone will make me feel like a million bucks. Is that anybody else's favorite part of their hair appointment or am I weird? Maybe my stylist has magic hands, who knows. In any case, I'm super excited. I originially made the appointment with the intent to trim up my layers and and ends to keep it healthy ... but the closer it gets the more I find myself pinteresting short cuts like the one below. I now have found myself in the middle of a huge internal struggle on keeping it long or going short. I don't know if I have the guts to go with what's below, we'll see?! My appointment is Tuesday afternoon so I'm sure I'll be back and forth about this a million more times before then.
3 T H R E E
My husband's company always does their yearly Christmas Party/Awards Banquet after the New Year which is a fun evening full of dinner, drinks, and dancing. We usually get all gussied up and have a good time. This year, I'm not quite ready to pour myself into a form fitting dress considering I just had a baby 5 months ago. I found these Pixie Pants at Old Navy and fell in love! They fit so nicely and are perfect for dressing up or dressing down. My plan is to pair mine with a classic peplum top, and a fun heel.
4 F O U R
As you read above, I was wanting a fun heel to go with my outfit for my Husband's party. I took to the web to see what I could find when I came across old faithful, Forever 21. When in doubt they always have something for me. I found these amazing Faux Suede Cobalt Pumps. Perfectly enough, they had one 5.5 left and I adopted them. They are surprisingly super comfortable and the heel height is perfect for the pant and me ... so hopefully I won't look like a baby deer trying to walk for the first time. I haven't worn heels since early in my pregnancy, so this should be interesting.
5 F I V E
With a baby I don't have much time for TV, let alone try to record any shows for my own guilty pleasure ... but that didn't stop me from falling for The Bachelor. I haven't watched The Bachelor in years but I couldn't help but fall victim to the charm of Chris Soules. Such a cutie, right? If you are following along you saw the hot drunken mess Tara, who I couldn't help but kind of root for just because of how hilariously drunk she was. Not only that, how freaking clever to do two first impressions! Then we have Ashley S. who is, well ... interesting to say the least. All I could think about when she was on screen was girl, your crazy is showing! Tuck that back in! I'm even more surprised she got a rose! I'm interested to see what Chris sees in her. And last, my personal favorite Britt. I don't think Chris could have picked a better girl for the first impression rose. I'm excited to see them hit it off. The trailer for the season's drama looks a bit crazy, but I'm excited to get lost in it.
That's it for this week! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
That's it for this week! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
I love the honest products. We have used the diapers, body wash/shampoo, lotion, chapstick, baby wipes, laundry detergent, you name it, lol. However, we also had a mild case of eczema and the honest wash kind of irritated her skin more than it should have. What has worked for us is the baby aquaphor and the mustela brand baby products (which are also kinda pricey).
ReplyDeleteI can so relate to the hair everywhere! I chopped my hair off about 5 months postpartum. We're talking SHORT. It was fun for a little while, but I have missed my long hair so much. Growing out again is such a pain.I love the haircut in the photo you posted! That's a great length.
ReplyDeleteLOVE The Bachelor. It's my guilty pleasure. I too was rooting for Tara. I really wanted Kaitlyn to go home. Love Britt! Ashley S was hilarious! I wonder if maybe he had to keep her to keep things interesting? Can we talk about how crazy long that first night was?! It was light out as the girls were leaving! No wonder there was some craziness!
I love that haircut and I think it would look amazing on you! :)
ReplyDeleteYay for linking up! It's my favorite one. I have been an awful blogger in the past 2-3 weeks since Christmas and need to seriously get with it. We love the Honest Company products! We use the body wash/shampoo bottle for Avery. We previously used the Aveeno stuff and feel that we saw a big improvement when switching to Honest. (My husband even mentioned noticing it which says a lot!) Our pediatrician recommended Vanicream which we use daily. (Oh, and I just bought the single thing of body wash in the baby section at Target). Another new product that I'm absolutely amazed by is Rodan + Fields Soothe. We just tried that and it overnight cleared her back up! Which the other products have never done. Hope this helps! :)
ReplyDeleteHAIR EVERYWHERE!! I so want to chop mine but I know the instant I do I will regret it! We use Honest diapers and product at our house and I really love them for the most part. They have a healing balm that may work well for those little patches. Yay for linking up!