1. Mom Body - I consider myself very lucky in the fact that I carried a child for 9 months and walked away with not one single stretch mark. I tried to take the best possible care of myself pregnant, so why shouldn't I now that she is here? I've already hit my pre-pregnancy weight, but things are definitely a bit more droopy and squishy than they were pre-baby. I'm not trying to go all workout crazy, but maybe just perk things up a bit so when it comes time to take Lil' Bit to the beach this Summer, I won't hesitate jumping in a bikini.
2. Betty Crocker - I can cook a mean dinner, but good gracious I suck at baking. It's kind of like gardening ... I have a black thumb. I can kill anything. It's bad. The same with baking, I can burn anything. So I'm hoping to improve my baking skills this year ... goes great with my "Mom Body" resolution right? Now having a daughter, holidays are going to be full of sweets and I want to share in making sweets together and not burn the house down. I don't think that's too much to ask. So that's why I'll start now while she's young and won't remember burnt cookies.
3. Blogging - I was great at blogging while pregnant. I was consistent, in the moment, and full of ideas. That was before I had a tiny, loud, wiggly human being demanding my attention. I love being a stay at home Mom but I need to put blogging back on the priority list and blog when I say I'm going to blog. I'm still trying to find that groove where I fit blogging into my schedule. I hope to at least blog two posts a week, if not more. Also, while I'm on the wagon of blogging more, I need to learn more ins and outs of blogging since I'm still so new.
4. Me Time - For the last four almost five months now, my equivelent of "Me" time is the twenty minute shower I take at night after Little Miss has gone to bed. I really need to focus on myself more and remember to take more than just a shower time for myself. I think of all the resolutions, this one will be the hardest. It is difficult for me to walk away from Mykenzi to enjoy something other than her ... because she is what I enjoy. BUT, it's important for my well being to take some moments for myself ... which ultimately helps her too. Happy Momma, happy baby.
So far, its January 5th and I have yet to start a single one of these resolutions. Off to a great start, huh?! Hopefully now with the hustle and bustle of the holidays over, I can start focusing on these. Cheers to the New Year! Hope you all enjoyed your holidays! What are some of your resolutions for 2015?
Ahhhh once upon a time I also had no stretch marks, none with #1, none with #2 and then bam, 37 weeks with #3 they appeared! Enjoy your bikini mama, I'll be jealous with envy! And definitely making *me* time is so important, just wish I took some for myself too! Maybe I'll try harder this year as well :) Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteGreat goals! Getting my body back into shape is one of my 2015 goals as soon as he is born and I can run and work out again.
ReplyDeleteI suck at resolutions! Happy to help you with any blogging questions just text me! Also when you reply on this comment, on your blog it doesn't notify the writer. Only when you respond back via email (as long as the person is not a no reply blogger!)
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