Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dear Mykenzi: 6 Months

6 months, 1/2 a year old, and 1/2 a year until you are the big One! What?! How did we get here so fast, baby girl?!  I feel like the days are flying by ... yet, it feels like a lifetime ago that you were my 7lb squish that I had no idea how to care for. My, how we've both grown in 6 months.  You continue to amaze me every day! Watching you grow and discover the world is such a sweet blessing.  We've had a lot of milestones this month, and I'm sure they'll be rolling in like crazy from here on out.  I'm excited to see you learn new things, but I can't help but miss your little newborn self needing me every second of your day.

Tall. Tall. Tall. You are in the 90th percentile for height at 27.1 inches. If you don't slow down you are going to tower over Mommy by the time you are four.  You weighed in at 16lbs on the nose which is the 50th percentile.  No matter the percentile, Doc says you are one healthy little girl!

You are still in 6 month clothing, as well as, some 9 month pieces.  You are still in size 2 diapers as well.  While you can't wear Pamper's Baby Dry in size 2's anymore the Pampers Swaddlers in 2's still fit you.  As long as your little booty is covered that's all we care about.

Your hair is getting so long on top and is finally thickening on the sides and back.  You are sporting nice bald spot in the back from rubbing your head back and forth but it seems to be growing back fairly quick.  It is still a light brown but is getting a little darker the thicker it gets ... I wonder if it will go back to as dark as it was when you were born?  Only time will tell.

While I still see a hint of green in your eyes, they mostly shine the brightest blue.  You have the brightest eyes and they light up when you smile.  The anticipation of knowing your eye color identity is killing me.  They are so beautiful, I'm hoping they don't change too much more.

Sleep has been crazy this month little girl!  We tried to transition to your crib this past month in your own room.  You weren't the happiest with this decision and expressed your feelings every couple of hours ... you made sure Mommy and Daddy paid for leaving you in your own room.  After a week of no sleep for all of us, we decided to bring you back into our room and you started sleeping through the night again.  So now you and your crib happily reside in Mommy and Daddy's room.  I suppose we'll try your own room again in a few months.

We are still breastfeeding. Yay!  But, you have been such a hungry little girl that you've put quite the stress on Momma's supply.  We've had to supplement formula more often than usual just to keep up with your demands.  You can put down some milk, girl!  I for one ,am super happy to introduce solids this month so we can keep up with your hunger cravings!  With solids on the menu, I'm hoping I can get my supply back in order and we won't have to give up our breastfeeding journey just yet.  I can't wait to see what tastes you prefer, so far carrots are a big hit!

You've become a professional roller! You love rolling onto your belly and love sleeping on your belly too!  You are also rolling from your belly to your back.  I'm nervous for the moment you discover you can roll to get to where you want to go!

You are still a supported sitter.  Unsupported sitting is just not your thing and you have no care to do so.  We've been practicing like crazy with your Boppy Pillow and Bumbo Seat.  You think its hilarious to shoot yourself backwards when we try to sit you unsupported and show me with a big gummy grin when you land on your back.  If you aren't shooting yourself backwards you are planking.  You are the Queen of locked legs ... you'd much rather stand than sit.  We'll keep working on it though!  I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks we can come a mutual understanding on this sitting situation.  I promise you'll like it once you start doing it ... it's just like your belly.  Look how much you love that now!

Talking didn't take long for you to master.  You have officially said "Da Da" as your first word.  I thought I'd be upset that you didn't say "Ma Ma" first, but anything just sounds so adorable coming out of your mouth how can I be mad?  You are also saying "Ba Ba" and blowing the biggest raspberries.  It is incredibly adorable until slobber flows from your mouth like a faucet.  Momma is still not a fan of this drool thing.

Speaking of drool.  The amount of drool you produce in day is unreal! This past month you got your first low grade fever and showed every symptom of teething except your teeth forgot to show up.  We asked Dr. L if you were in fact teething or if Mommy was just a horrible judge of what that feverish mess was.  The verdict? Probably teething.  Your Doctor says teething is such a tricky thing and no one really understands it.  She's had three kids and  could never pin point teething until teeth actually showed up. 

These days you are loving your Sit to Stand Walker, your jumper, bath time is always a good time for you, and we can't forget about your Glow Worm.  She puts you to sleep every night with her soft glow and relaxing lullabies.  You also love riding the Choo Choo ... its really just a box pulled by a leash but you think its the neatest thing.  You think the cats are funny and love to "pet" them ... which is code for "grab as much fur as you can!" The cats still aren't quite sure about you ... especially now that you are a little grabby.  I don't have the heart to tell them that you'll one day be able to chase them.  I just don't think they could handle that kind of news right now.

You are truly the happiest baby I've ever met ... and I'm not just saying that because your mine.  Sure you have your fussy days but 90% of our days are filled with laughter and toothless grins.  You are one special little girl and we are some very lucky parents!

Happy 1/2 Birthday sweet girl!  I hope you know just how much Mommy and Daddy love you! Thank you for making our lives so special!


  1. I just found your cute blog from Instagram! I'm a new Mama and fellow cat lover. ;) Your little girl is adorable! Time goes so fast!!!

  2. She said "Da Da"?? Omg, go girl! I'd die. I've been practicing "Ma Ma" with Grayson since he was like a week old haha he definitely recognizes it when I say it so I'm hoping he will say that first ;) I've really noticed in the last couple of days he's starting to talk more syllables than just one constant yell so hopefully we will hear a word soon!! You both look amazing. Great job mama :)


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