If you didn't sing that in the tune of Rebecca Black you truly do not love a good Friday when you see one.
Happy Friday Y'all! Hope you all are having a fantastic day! I'm excited to be linking up again this week after a break last week. Since it's super chilly here today we decided to stay in bed a little longer than usual so that why today's post is late. Sorry not sorry! ;)On to my Five things for this week! You know you're a Mother when all five things on your Five on Friday list center around the baby.
O N E - Three Day Weekends!
My favorite kind of weekend! My husband works for our local Credit Union so they get EVERY holiday known to man. It's one of my favorite perks of his job because of course that means more family time! Valentine's Day also happens to land this weekend which is kind of fun too since we have an extra special 6 Month old Valentine this year. We'll do our usual cards and sweet gifts and we'll celebrate with a Date Night next week. We'll just stay low key this weekend and spend some extra quality time with that special little lady in our lives. It may not sound that exciting, but any time that it's just the three of us are the best times.
T W O - Shots
So Mykenzi had her 6 Month Well Visit on her actual 6 Month Birthday and that of course means shots. I hate taking my cat to get shots, so I knew having a Baby would be even worse when it came time for shots. Newborn shots were bad, she was so little and so new. Her little yelps brought me to tears. 4 month shots weren't terrible. She cried for a bit and then got over it. She just needed a soothing, "You're alright!" and she toughened right up. More impressively, I didn't cry. I was really getting the hang of this "Mom" thing. So, when it came time for her 6 month Well Visit I had high hopes for the 6 months shots. The 6 Month shots were the worst we experienced. I don't know if its because she is getting older and she understands pain a little better or what it was. All I know is it was awful. The instant the first needle went in, she puckered that bottom lip and the flood gates opened. My heart broke into a million tiny pieces. I started crying because she started hyperventilating crying and couldn't catch her breath. We were both a hot mess. Thankfully, we get a break at the 9 month well and don't have shots. I just hope that doesn't set us up for a miserable 12 month Well Visit.
Speaking of shots! This Vaxxer/Anti-Vaxxer debate is growing tiresome. Not that I want to fuel it even more by bringing it up now, but I just hate how this whole movement has left me feeling as a Mom. I feel like Anti-Vaxxers are quick to serve you a huge slice of mom-guilt pie if you choose to vaccinate your child. I have done my research over and over again before, during, and after this pregnancy to come to a decision that I feel is the best for my child. I don't appreciate being made to feel like I'm making wrong decisions as a Mother. As a Vaxxer, I would never tell a Mother who chose not to vaccinate that she is making a terrible decision. That is a decision she feels is right for her child. I may not agree with it, but it is not my decision to make. I have been made to feel my research is invalid, that I don't know facts, and that I'm hurting my child. No matter what, aren't we supposed to support each other as Mothers? Can we just let this debate die? It's kind of like religion, right? Believe what you feel is right for your life and let others do the same.
Mykenzi gets to start solids! I'm kind of all over the place with this. I'm super excited for her to experience real food, but I'm also super sad that she is growing up so fast. I knew that I wanted to make my own baby food for the simple fact I wanted to give her the very best ingredients. What I didn't realize, was how much easier it actually is, how much money you save, and how much I enjoyed doing it. It's a win, win, win! We started with Avocados and Carrots. I plan on making some Butternut Squash, Pears, and Sweet Potato this weekend. We were going to start feeding her this week, but after shots we decided to wait until this weekend. If you are thinking about making your own baby food, I say do it! I plan on dedicating a whole post to my prep, cook, and store process. So keep an eye out!
F I V E - Camera Envy
I currently shoot with a Canon 10d which is code for OLD. If you follow me regularly you've seen me talk about how grainy my photos have been and how I've been longing for an upgrade. While I decide exactly what route I want to go for a new camera, my Brother-in-law was nice enough to let me play around with his Canon Rebel T2i. This is a huge upgrade from my 10d and I've been in Camera heaven this week. Of course, I went total Mama-razzi on Mykenzi to test my skills. This just made me even more crazy for an upgrade. Hopefully this will happen sooner than later ... and if my husband is reading this, HINT, HINT!
That's it for this week! I linked up with April and the girls, as well as, Karli for my five thoughts this week. Next week, I'll have Mykenzi's 6 Month Update up along with her 6 Month pictures. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that its been 1/2 a year already!
Happy Weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!
Yay hope you get the camera update soon!! And I 100% agree with you on the great vaccination debate. I have quite a few anti mom friends but luckily none have said anything about that we vaccinate Avery. And way to go with making your own baby food! That's so awesome; I make a special trip to Babies R Us to get the Earth's Best Organic which makes me feel a little better about not making our own! Hope you guys enjoy your three-day weekend together! I'm so jealous! :)
ReplyDeleteYay for homemade baby food! I've done it with all my kiddos too and it really it is so easy :) Mykenzie is one lucky baby to have such a good Mama! Hope you get that camera upgrade soon!