It's nice to be back in cyber space. I tried my hardest to blog last week, but I only managed two entries with a sentence a piece. My week was filled with an angry, fussing, teething babe ... it was exhausting. I couldn't even muster up five thoughts for Five on Friday. My brain just did not work and my child clung to me like a leach. I'm happy to report my brain is back to functioning and my babe is somewhat back to normal ... although she still has no teeth to explain last week. Which just goes to show, I know nothing about teething.
This weekend was full of beautiful weather and boy did it make me even antsier for warm weather to make its debut. We managed to get outside each day this weekend for a walk around the neighborhood which hasn't happened since October. It was nice getting her out of the house and watch her look at everything and enjoy the outside. It makes me happy that she loves being outside so much since we do too.
We also spent a lot of time practicing sitting. Mykenzi wants nothing to do with sitting on her own. She will be 6 months this week and I thought we'd be an unsupported sitter by now but she has other plans. You try to work with her on sitting and she planks on you ... and if you do manage to get her in the sitting position she loves to shoot herself backwards which is amazing for my anxiety levels. She would much rather stand up or play on her belly than sit. We'll keep trying though!
When we aren't working on sharpening our baby skills, we spend a lot of time playing. It's the only two days of the week that Daddy gets to spend sun up to sun down with Mykenzi so he hams it up with her. I love it.
And of course, when I wasn't snapping pictures I was busy washing bottles, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, and grooming kitty cats. Womp. Womp. Someone's gotta do it, right?!
Every time I think Presley is teething I never get any teeth either. Which is fine by me! This nursing mom is so not ready for those chompers! I have been putting P in the mamas & papas seat (similar to a bumbo) with a tray to get her accustomed to the "upright experience" as I like to call it. However unassisted she just goes straight down. Can't believe our littles are 6 months - seriously how the f did that happen?
ReplyDeleteI also know nothing about teething and I have 3 kids! With each baby I swore they were teething and at every single well visit until 9+ months, the dr would say, nope, sorry no teething here! Adorable pics, and just you watch, she will be sitting up before you know it!