Monday, February 23, 2015

It's Motherhood and I'll cry if I want to

All Moms have their moments right?  I thought I'd take the opportunity to shed some light on some "moments" that have been happening over here for the past 6 months.  What they don't tell you when you're pregnant is that the baby has re-wired your whole system to open the flood gates anytime you are happy, sad, mad, tired, excited, anxious, frightened, relieved ... you get the point.  I've collected some of my flood gate moments since having Mykenzi for your Monday morning enjoyment.

Simply, just being a mom.  It's amazing, it's frustrating, it's emotional, it's a job full of crazy but totally worth it.

Those sleepless nights. The struggle was real.

Breastfeeding.  That ish was hard.

Baby Shots.  Enough said.

When we brought the baby home from the hospital only to find my beloved kitties hated the newest family member.  It was a cat-tastrophe.

Every time she transitions to a new size in clothes.  

Then again when I put her outgrown clothes into a storage bin.

And then one good ugly cry because I always pull out her hospital onesie to remember how tiny she was.

Watching my husband with her ... Daddy/Daughter bonds are truly something special.

Reading anything tragic on the Internet about babies.

Reading anything happy on the Internet about babies.

Same with anything on TV. Tragic or happy, I'm in tears.

Anything with Animals too. I cried for two days about the dog who's owner packed his belongings in a suitcase and abandoned him at a bus station. Who does that?!

When she laughed for the first time. I was laughing along with her and before I knew it, I was crying.

The amount of hair I've lost postpartum. No, but seriously ... So. Much. Hair.

And the fact that I wore it in a bun everyday. I swore I wouldn't do that.

And then when I chopped it off.  I swore I wouldn't do that either.

The first time I caught a glimpse of my postpartum "mom body" in the mirror. 

When complaining about said "mom body" and my dear husband said a cleaner diet would help whip that "mom body" into shape. Um, excuse me? I just had your baby. 

Then again when he said pasta wasn't included in that cleaner diet.  No pasta? I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish. 

The fact that I was overdue for my yearly "lady" appointment since getting pregnant and my Doctor insisted it had to be done before I left the office during my 6 week postpartum appointment.  A "lady" appointment 6 weeks after a c-section makes labor feel like a cake walk.  That speculum was not forgiving. 

Swimsuit shopping. Forget a squishy midsection ... I need to camouflage the fact that my left side is the obvious milk maker.

Driving off the lot in my new 4DR Mom car.  The 4DR was absolutely necessary and well worth it, but my little 2DR was my first baby. 

The first time I slammed my child's head into the handle of the car seat trying to slyly put her into the car seat while sleeping. Apparently, I'm not that sly.  And I say first time because it's happened multiple times.  You'd think I'd learn to fold the handle down by now.

When I was trying to play peekaboo and my "boo" scared her to tears. Worst. Mom. Ever.

When my extremely fussy baby had a blowout and simultaneously the cat decided to upchuck in various places all over the house. Poop and vomit everywhere.

Trying the "cry it out" method ... They neglect to tell you that as a Mother you'll "cry it out" too.

The time she was so fussy I put her in her crib and locked myself in the bathroom to cry.

Only to return to her crib to start blubbering all over again because I felt so terrible I had to lock myself in the bathroom.

The first date night. It was hard to leave her in Grandma's hands.

When we returned home from date night and she didn't even miss me ... Not even a little bit.

When she decided to roll for the first time for Grandma while I took a shower. 

Every time I discover my food choices give her excruciating gas.  No broccoli, Thai Food, or Mexican. EVER.

The nights she decides to boycott sleep. Just shut your eyes kid and we'll both stop crying!  

The crib transition. She hated it. I hated it. I think we both had nervous breakdowns.

Teething. Just when I thought I understood it, no teeth showed up. I don't get teething. Like, at all.  

Learning to sit.  My child thinks it's funny to shoot herself backwards to hit the floor if you try to make her sit.  Pillows or not, Mommy wasn't laughing.

When my iPhone ran out of storage space and wouldn't let me take anymore photos. Way to crush my mom-tography dreams, Apple!

And of course, revisiting old photos and videos of her. Sooo tiny!

Most recently, her 1/2 birthday. I don't know where the last 6 months have gone.  They are only little for such a short amount of time. It's really not fair.

I'm sure I've only scratched the surface on things I'll cry about as a Mom.  Please validate my sanity and tell me I'm not the only cry baby?!

The Life Of Faith


  1. This post is so cute! Love what you shared. I've heard being a mom ain't easy. I'm a cry baby pre kids so I don't think I'll make it through motherhood ;)

  2. Oh, honey, you are not the only one! I've had almost all of these exact same situations happen with me, except I have a dog, so doggy vomit instead of cat vomit. I was coming home from Target one day and realized that it was wayyy to close to feeding time. As I was rushing through the door with a super hungry baby I encountered our sweet doggy had decided to pee all over our laundry room. I also had been holding my pee since we had gotten to target. I decided that I would super quickly put the baby down, pee, and nurse her before even attempting bleach the laundry room. However, amidst the chaos, baby crying, dog barking I forgot my phone was in my back pocket. As soon as I pulled down my jeans I heard a "clunk", yes, phone fell in toilet. My first reaction was to just reach in the toilet and grab it. I was so frustrated and there was so much going on and I didn't know what to do first that I say on the bathroom floor and cried. Yup, I cried big fat ugly kim k. Tears. Oh, motherhood, the struggle is real, lol.

  3. I love love love this!! Yes to everything you said and more!! Mommyhood is the best & hardest job ever :)

  4. OMG Jen this had me laughing out loud! I can so relate to all of this! I think I need to mimic this post!

  5. I can relate to almost every one of these!!!! The cat vomit and baby poop at the same time has happened in this house too. Haha. And I discovered chocolate gives my little guy gas so I have to limit my intake and for s chocolate lover that's hard!!! Such a great post. :)

  6. Oh this is so true!! I'm pregnant with our second child and this list made me tear up reminiscing of all those crying moments, motherhood tears are just a vicious cycle haha.

  7. hahaha this is perfect. I have felt everyone of those feelings. Including locking myself in the bathroom. Emotions are a wild thing. Oh, and yes. So. Much. Hair. Loss.

  8. I can't tell you how many times I have locked myself in my bathroom and cried while my girls were in their beds. I cry all the time too its crazy!! Loved this whole post :)

  9. Yes, I am constantly crying too, especially with the lack of sleep and Caleb refusing to go to sleep until super late on some nights. I also used to have breakdowns when he was crying and I couldn't figure out why but I'm getting used to it now.

    And yes about the animals... Caleb had a blow out diaper and when I took him into his room to change his outfit for two minutes, I came back out to the living room and saw his diaper busted back open and diarrhea around my dog's mouth on his white fur... um, kill me! Haha. I don't think I have ever been so mad and or disgusted with my dog EVER.

  10. It's like you are reading my mind! So glad I found your blog! Love it so much!


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