Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday/Oh, Hey Friday!

Whoop Whoop! It's Friday, y'all! Do your Friday dance!

Baking Baby Brown officially has its own Facebook page! Ta-Da! You can pay it a visit here.  It's something I contemplated doing for a while and finally pulled the trigger.  My blog was tied to my personal account but I figured since things are growing and changing here in Blog Land that I'd give Baking Baby Brown its own personal space on Facebook. You're welcome.

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen that I recently got a new camera.  If you follow my blog you may have also noticed its something I've been yapping about for the past couple of weeks. Apparently, my dear husband was tired of me yapping about cameras too because he came home with a pretty awesome surprise on Tuesday.  I am now a proud owner of a Canon Rebel SL1 ... it is the smallest and lightest DSLR camera which is perfect for my little hands.  It's a far cry from the chunker 10D I've been shooting with the last couple of years.  I've spent the last couple of days toying with all the features and I'm so excited to learn all the ins and outs of the camera.  Beware ... Picture overload is coming to social media near you.

I got to have lunch with a good friend this week.  Since having Mykenzi I haven't gotten out much on my own.  In the beginning, my issues with breastfeeding made it hard to leave the house. (Read about that here.)  Then her sleep schedule went crazy, then it got really cold and I have terrible tendency to hermit when temperatures drop.  Alas, I poked my head out of the sand and we managed to get ourselves out the door. We enjoyed sweet company, good food, and Mykenzi was a ham, of course.  All in all, everyone had a good time and it was nice to catch up with a familiar face.

I'm excited to be attending my first Baby Shower as a Mom this weekend. I feel like my gift is more sensible as a Mom than the days before Mykenzi.  Before it was always grab the cutest thing you see.  Now, I have a gift basket full of necessities.  After having Mykenzi, I realized those gifts were the ones that came in handy.  I'm even more excited to celebrate a sweet friend who will become a Momma to a little girl in May.  This is such a special shower because she was pregnant once before and delivered her daughter at 22.5 weeks and the baby was too young to survive.  Despite such a tragic pregnancy/delivery she kept her faith and handled everything with beautiful strength and grace. Something I'm not sure I could've done under such circumstances.  I have no doubts she will be an amazing Mother and I'm thrilled to shower her with love this weekend.

So Spring is creeping its way in, and I have failed miserably at keeping my New Year's Resolution of working out. (Read about that lie here.)  That bikini body is coming along oh, so nicely. Not.  I've really got to kick my rear into gear or I'm going to be super mad at myself when its bikini time and I look and feel like this.

You guys know the drill!  I'm linking up with April & friends for Five on Friday and Karli for Oh, Hey Friday!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! See you next week!


  1. I need to figure out how to get into shape quickly! I am not a fan of getting into a bathing suit for my little ones swim classes. Luckily, it's a whole bunch of moms that have a child and I don't feel judged. I don't think I am ready for the beach though! haha!

  2. Yay for a new camera! And I was determined to get back into a bikini after #2 and that never happend and now after #3 I have succumbed to wearing a one piece for life, ugh.

  3. You will LOVE that camera!!! I am obsessed with my canon <3 Also I am a huge fan of Jillian Michaels work outs and Tone it up (you can find them online :) ) xo

  4. I am so NOT ready for bathing suit season. Dun dun duh. I am so envious of those Mamas who are already back in a work out routine (but let's be honest, my workout routine pre-baby wasn't that consistent to begin with.) And that's so exciting about your new camera...I am crossing my fingers I get a new camera for my birthday this summer. I've been using my iPhone lately and not a real camera, which I miss using so much!

  5. I know what you mean about buying different gifts after having kids! Now I buy one small cute thing and finish with the breast pads or lanolin cream or the essentials on the list. I learned really quickly that everyone buys you the cute stuff, but it's those not so fun essentials you are most thankful for once you need to use them!

    As for the bikini body, try planks! They always get my tummy back flat quickly. That and running are my go-to's!


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