Friday, March 6, 2015

Five on Friday/Oh Hey Friday

Boy, am I happy to see Friday this week!  It has been a looong, sleepless, and gloomy week over here.  The Sunshine State is looking a lot like Seattle right now and I am over it!  Not to mention, a baby who's had quite the eventful week has left all of us exhausted and ready for the weekend.  All of that combined left me with no brain.  I wasn't going to subject you to my dumb, you're welcome.  I'll make up for my lack of posting next week.

Teething.  I don't know how many more times I can mention that I hate teething.  First, every time I thought it was happening no teeth showed up.  Then, the teeth decided 3am was an acceptable time to push through the gums.  I swear my child was possessed.  She shot right up out of dead sleep with inconsolable screams.  At this point, I'm not sure who's more traumatized, me or her.  It would be one thing if she was fussy during the day or feverish or SOMETHING.  Nope, I've had a perfect angel baby all week until 3am when we were all snuggled in bed in a peaceful slumber.  Both bottom teeth have finally broken the skin, so last night we actually were able to get some much needed shut eye.  I'd like to give teething a big ole Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

On top of teething, the girl is pushing up all over the place trying to crawl.  I'm not sure who gave her the go ahead to grow up, but she can just take it down a notch because this Momma ain't ready. (Ew, I just said ain't, I'll try not to make that a habit.)  I knew all of this was coming but I wasn't prepared for it to happen all at once.  Excuse me while I go wallow in disbelief that my child is well on her way to toddlerhood.

While we are currently experiencing a cold snap, I figured I'd treat myself and get this mom hair ready for spring.  I haven't done anything too exciting to this mop since before I was pregnant except hastily chopping it after having the baby.  Ugh, I still have major regret from doing that but I'm trying to make the most of it. So, come Tuesday I will finally be going back Ombre!  I did it for the first time right before I found out I was pregnant and absolutely fell in love.  Since it was my first time we did a tame Ombre because if you know me at all, I can't go big or I'll go home and cry.  Short hair regret, remember?  Anyways, this time I'm ready to go a little more Blonde!  Hopefully this will help ease the loss of my luscious locks and give my hair some much needed life!  New hair, alone time at the Salon, and a glass of wine ... I just may come out a changed woman!

Ombre November 2013

So, not to toot my own horn or anything (Toot, Toot!) but I've always looked pretty youthful in the face.  I never really worried too much about creams, washes, and full coverage foundations.  And then it happened ... I'm officially looking older.  I mean, I am on the tails of 31 this month but I didn't know that meant I had to start looking 31.  My skin has been super dry post pregnancy, any of you other Mommas out there have this issue?  If so, any tips on fixing it?  I'm using my daily wash that I've used for years with my ole trusty moisturizer, which apparently both are indeed old but not trusty anymore.  Which leads me to makeup.  My foundation is now settling in my ughhh ... wrinkles.  God, that was so hard to type ... so, I'm also on the hunt for a better foundation.  Maybe one not so cakey yet covers really well?  I don't know. After decades of wearing make up I have still yet to find a foundation I'm truly in love with.  Alright Ma's, this is my S.O.S. help a wrinkly Momma out!  Dish all the goods!

So right now I'm totally obsessed with Sweet Potatoes.  I swore I hated Sweet Potatoes and then I got pregnant and have super obsessively loved them ever since.  Pregnancy is a weird thing, but that is an entirely different post for a different day.  This one is about Sweet Potatoes.  I'm always experimenting with different seasonings and ways to cook them.  One morning, when the only thing that came close to me eating breakfast was watching the Food Network, the Barefoot Contessa was talking my Sweet Potato language.  She cooked Sweet Potato wedges tossed in Olive Oil and seasoned with Brown Sugar, Salt, and Pepper.  Bake at 450 for 15 min, turn and bake another 10 minutes.  Y'all, I promise it's Sweet Potato heaven and you will be incredibly sorry if you don't try this recipe soon.  I'm sorry I don't have a picture for you.  I always eat them all before I remember to take a picture.

Of course I'm linking up with April and friends for Five on Friday and Karli for Oh, Hey Friday!

Leave some love for me, and enjoy your weekend! I will see all of your pretty faces next week!


  1. Oh lordy can I relate to this post on so many levels! First of all, have you tried an amber teething necklace? Or essential oils? I used both and when my daughter's first tooth popped through (at 8 months!) we didn't even know until the NEXT day when she bit my husband!
    Second, I LOVE ombre! I went ombre after our wedding, and then chopped it all off when I got pregnant. Still regretting that as well! I don't have the time or patience to grow it out now :(
    Third, my skin is so much different now that I'm not pregnant anymore (I'm 31 too!) and I swear by the Fresh oil from Sephora!

  2. I'm just going to go ahead and say, yes, yes, yes, and yes. I'll be 30 this year and when I got pregnant I threw out my nighttime moisturizer and started using coconut oil on my face. I use it ALL over my face, as face and eye cream; I really think it helps. I've also been lucky with the whole "not looking my age" thing. However, this whole crazy inconsistent sleep has done a number on my eyes. This week was rough in the slumber department and then yesterday afternoon I noticed Olivia's gums are pretty white and I can see a little tooth almost popping through (almost). And sweet potatoes! Ahh, say no more, when I was pregnant I ate a whole one with dinner almost everyday, sometimes I wouldn't even season it (my husband thought I was nuts). Do you know the dirty chips? They have sweet potato chips, they are the bomb diggity. And it's only sweet potatoes and sea salt as the ingredient. Oh, and this part of the sunshine state is feeling a little gloomy today as well

  3. You know I am all about the ombre!! Easiest trend to keep up (or not keep up) with! I just recently got a new Neutrogena moisturizer from a campaign to try out called Hydro Boost and I am actually loving it. I have pretty dry skin but I have been using it and really like it. I also use Bare Naked foundation by Bare Minerals. Two squirts onto their foundation brush and I feel pretty covered but not caked. Win win!

  4. Love the ombré! I started using night renewing serum and eye cream from redefine by rodan and fields like 2 months ago and I swear it's helped my face feel so much less dry! (And less wrinkly ha) if you want I can send you samples to try (I'm a super part time consultant:)) in no way trying to be pushy or salesy promise!!! :) teething has kicked my butt this week too, hoping for more sleep this weekend so I feel less loopy! Xoxo

  5. I love the ombre look!!! Teething stinks when my little one gets teeth she gets an ear infection... I hope everything goes well when she gets teeth

  6. Teething is the worst! My little girl has been dealing with it this week as well! I too experience some crazy skin changes after pregnancy. I have been experimenting with different cleansers and moistures. I have 3 different Lancôme sample moisturizers and I am trying to decide which one is best for me. I was not expecting my skin to change so much after pregnancy. Hope you have a blessed weekend!!

  7. Teeth! Ahhh at least you now know the culprit! We still have no teeth over here but I swear they are coming since my Avery is also waking from dead sleep seeming possessed! Fun fun :) And you definitely need ombre in your life again, it's gorgeous!

  8. Teething and crawling all at once?! Oh man! Hope you get more sleep in the coming week... I know how that goes. Caleb isn't sleeping through the night yet... hopefully soon!


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