Tuesday, May 31, 2016

B2 Bumpdate: 33 Weeks

If you missed my last post, I skipped 32 weeks because life hit me in the face with a whole lotta stress and this Momma just couldn't hang.  If you've been keeping up with my updates about my Brother I am proud to report he is still slowly making progress which we are so very grateful for and something we weren't sure was ever possible in the beginning.  We spent this past weekend visiting him in the hospital and the nursing staff was nice enough to let Mykenzi visit because she's blood related.  She talked my Brother's ear off and blew him lots of kisses and for the first time we witnessed him crack a little smile.  I can't even begin to describe the amount of joy I felt in that moment.  My little girl brought enough joy to my crippled Brother that he found the strength to crack a smile.  I could've cried, but I didn't want to cry in front of him.  I'm sure he's seen enough of that these last few weeks.  Every day is still touch and go, but we continue to pray and he continues to amaze us with progress.

In the midst of all the chaos, we did manage to have a Sprinkle Shower for Rowan.  We enjoyed lunch with some of our closest friends and it was exactly what I needed at that moment.  Not only are our friends amazing enough to shower us with gifts for Rowan, but more importantly, they provided me with a day of full on belly laughter during one of the most stressful times.

Things on the baby front are okay.  My sugar levels are really inconsistent and have a tendency to spike for no apparent reason.  I've also had a few episodes where I test high and within 45 minutes my sugar levels drop super low causing me to shake, cold sweat, and almost pass out.  I ended up calling the Doctor today because I was worried about the inconsistency, but with the amount of stress I'm under the Doctor didn't seemed to surprised or too terribly worried and we'll re-visit the conversation at my appointment in a few days.

So since I skipped last week these questions will include a little of 32 and 33 weeks.

How far along?  33 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain?  24lbs.  At my last appointment it revealed I had actually lost a pound since being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.  My Doctor wasn't too concerned as the diet change alone was probably the culprit.  We'll see if I gained any of that back this week.

Maternity clothes?  It's still a mix, but I am finding that maternity shirts are becoming my go to as the belly continues to grow.  I think I'm definitely bigger than I was with Mykenzi at this point.

Stretch marks?  Sadly, yes.  I found two lines on my abdomen just off to the side of my belly button.  They aren't super noticeable, but I don't know if that will change postpartum.  I'm applying Coconut Oil multiple times a day, but I think at this point I'm just so big that I'm stretching past what I did with Mykenzi so they're probably inevitable by this point.  We'll see if I spot anymore as the weeks go on.

Sleep?  Has been awful.  I don't sleep well stressed when I'm not pregnant, so add a big ole belly in the mix and sleep is a huge fail.  I'm so exhausted, but I'm hanging in there.

PEAK of the week?  Getting good reports on my Brother and of course having Mykenzi getting him to smile just made my whole month!

PIT of the week?  Stress.  It's just taken a toll on everything the last few weeks and while I'm still treading water it has made me an emotional mess.

Big Sister?  Is such a blessing, especially in tough times.  She's been extra sweet and definitely comic relief while life has been crazy.

Daddy?  Has been a great support system.  While some days it feels like life is falling apart around us, he is my constant.  I've said it 100 times, but I would not be able to do this without him.

Miss anything?  I miss a lot of things right now.  I miss being able to grab a cookie to eat without thinking or carb counting, I miss sleep, I miss a body that doesn't constantly ache, and I miss being able to have an adult beverage.  I know these things are coming back soon though.

Movement?  Oh yeah.  He's crazy active right now and still putting tons of pressure in my hips.  It's hard to believe in a few short weeks I won't be feeling these movements inside anymore.

Food cravings?  Anything I can't have, so cookies, candy, coca cola, and pasta.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  Stress.

Gender?  All Boy!

Symptoms?  Still some small swelling when I'm on my feet too long, lower back pain, and heartburn has returned with a vengeance.  He better come out with a full head of hair.

Belly button in or out?  It's definitely a little pokey.

Happy or moody?  Crazy emotional.  There have been lots of tears lately as you could imagine.

Looking forward to?  Trying to find a balance of life before Rowan gets here.  I am determined to be calm, cool, and collected by the time he wants to make his arrival.


  1. I'm so glad to hear your brother is making progress, I will continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers and I really hope he makes a full recovery.

    Ugh I ended up with stretch marks with baby #3 at 37 weeks!! I was like REALLY!? Thankfully it was only a couple as well and they are barely noticeable now

  2. You're getting so close! Sweet Rowan will be here before you know it! :)


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