Sunday, June 19, 2016

B2 Bumpdate: 36 Weeks

So, I'm just going to go ahead and say it.  I royally suck and bumpdating this pregnancy.  I have a million reasons why but the main one is life.  It keeps me so busy that bumpdates take a back seat.

This week Rowan tried to make his debut twice.  I saw my Doctor on Wednesday morning and was in Labor & Delivery on Friday morning with contractions 7-10 minutes apart for 12 hours.  They thought fluids would do the trick since we've been having 100 degree days, all the water in the world isn't enough to stay hydrated right now.  After a bag and a half of fluids my contractions moved to 3-6 minutes apart.  Pleading with the nurse that I still had some last minute things to get ready for, I begged for a way to not have a baby Friday.  It all came down to what my cervix was doing.  Thankfully, it was still closed.  A shot of something I pronounce like bad Spanish later, my contractions stopped and we were discharged.  We were told it would buy us some time but we weren't sure how long.  It could be days, maybe a week, or it could even get us all the way to our scheduled date.  However, if I did come back in with my contraction that close together again, they would probably go ahead and schedule me to have the baby.  I sh*t you not, 30 minutes after getting home from the hospital my contractions started again.  They were about 30 minutes apart and stayed that way for the remainder of the night.  The next day they stayed 30 minutes apart until the afternoon when they hit 15 minutes apart, and by 7pm we were back at 8 minutes apart on the nose.  About 2AM I couldn't stand the pressure anymore and they never wavered from 8 minutes apart, so back to Labor & Delivery we went.  We called in reinforcement for Mykenzi, packed our bags in the car, and Michael thought he was getting a baby for Father's Day.  Since it had only been 24 hours since my last visit they wanted to stop my contractions again.  I had dilated to 1cm and was about 50% thinned out, but keeping him baking until at least 37 weeks is the best for all of us especially with the blood type incompatibility and gestational diabetes we already have to prepare for upon birth.  We don't need him to be premature too.  We thought we were in the clear after one shot but my contractions came back after about 20 minutes so we had to go with another dose.  Finally, they gave way and we were discharged but not without being placed on bed rest.  So fun.  I follow up with my Doctor this week and we revisit our plan.  Looks like July is out, so now we have to decide if we move up the date or see how these contractions play out because of course, I woke up this morning and they're back.  This kid is just ready to meet the world I guess! Ahhhh.  This kid.  He's already giving me gray hairs and he isn't even here yet.

How far along? 36 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain? I'm up 28.5lbs, so he's definitely plumping up in there.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, although Pajamas have been my preferred choice lately, I broke down and bought a pair of maternity shorts at 34 weeks because I had absolutely nothing to wear that I wouldn't die of heat stroke in.  

Stretch marks?  Yep.  I didn't manage to escape their wrath this time.  There are a few more underneath my belly button.  No matter how much I moisturize I seem to find more and more as he tries harder and harder to make his debut.  They also hurt which I never knew was possible but then I think about the word itself "stretch" mark and it makes sense.  My skin literally feels like its being torn.

Sleep?  Minus the contraction it hasn't been too terrible.  I've graduated to sleeping with 6 pillows tucked in various places, but hey, whatever works at this point.

PEAK of the week?  It has definitely been a trying few weeks, but my sugars have finally leveled out and I think I finally have them under control and to the point where I can even indulge in a little treat every once in a while. 

PIT of the week?  Preparing for a baby you aren't ready for! Yikes! I thought I still had 3 more weeks!

Big Sister?  She's doing great and we constantly talk about Rowan.  She knows there's a "Brudder" in my belly although I'd love to know what she thinks a "Brudder" is. Haha

Daddy?  I'm keeping him on his toes, nothing like the call of hey, we might be having a baby today, I need to you to take me to Labor and Delivery.

Miss anything?  I miss not being constantly in pain.  I promise I really try not to complain, but this kid is putting me through the ringer.  The pressure in my hips and back right now is unreal and that's on top of the general aches and pains.  I feel like I've done a million crunches with all these contractions, and my arms look like a full on drug addict because apparently "rope-like veins" when you're pregnant can be a curse because the excess blood flow makes it easy to blow the vein.  Over the course of 2 days I've had 4 veins blow on me.  Insane. Bruises are everywhere

Movement?  Oh yes, and low, low, low.  I swear I'm going to see an extremity come out my behind one of these days.

Food cravings?  Sweets!  I really want something sweet so bad!

Anything making you feel sick or queasy?  This heat. Yuck! 9 months pregnant during 100 degree weather was a stupid decision on my part.

Gender?  Baby Boy

Symptoms?  Labor!  This kid is ready to say, Hello World!

Belly button in or out?  It's pretty pokey, but soft.

Happy or moody?  Moody.  I'm happy, then in tears, then cranky. I'm all over the place.  I'm not doing well under pressure. Haha.

Looking forward to?  Meeting Rowan.  It's going to be soon and I'm all sorts of scared, nervous, and oh, so excited!


  1. Oh wow, I can't believe it's almost time already! I'm so excited and anxious for you. Good luck with the impending delivery and I can't wait to see his first picture!

  2. Oh girl! I am so going to be thinking about you and sending thoughts and prayers your way. I can't wait to "meet" this sweet boy! I hope you are able to get what you need to be done and have a peace about it and have your baby boy here soon!

    I have a 39 week bump date I'm still planning on posting even though I would totally be 42 weeks pregnant right now lol!

  3. I can't believe what this little boy is putting you through already :) I'm sorry for all the pain you're in, plus the heat, omg! I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you guys :) xo

  4. Thinking of you! I hope you're able to get everything you need to squared away before meeting your little man!


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