This time of year always makes you think back on the events of the past 365 days and gives you warm & fuzzies when you think of all the moments/things you are thankful for. I try to remain thankful everyday but there is something about family gatherings, great food, and holiday spirit that remind you that though life has its ups and downs, it is a great blessing to be alive to experience those ups and downs.
This time last year I had no clue how much my life was going to change in the coming 365 days. Sitting around the dinner table feasting on all the Thanksgiving fixin's, the question of when a Little Baby Brown would be joining the bunch was a re-occuring topic. We smiled and giggled and and politely said, "one day!" We were in no rush and knew it would happen when it was supposed to. Little did we know, we had already been blessed with a little miracle ... she just hadn't made herself known yet. This year, as I reminisce on the last 365 days and how much my life has changed ... I can't help but feel that the things I used to be thankful for are so minuscule compared to what I'm thankful for this year.
The birth of a child changes you, right down to the core of who you are. The care-free, slightly selfish, bright-eyed girl has been replaced with a woman full of instincts, a little bit of worry, and a heart so full of love it could burst. I was not prepared for the flood of emotions motherhood has shown me. Each day I learn a little more as to what it is to be a Mother and I'm so blessed to be able to have this title. It is, by far, the greatest achievement I have earned in life.
So this year, as I reflect on the events of the last 12 months, I can't help but smile and swell with pride. I'm thankful for the life I have been given and the direction it has taken. I'm most thankful for a healthy baby girl who lights up my life, and a wonderful, supportive husband who just so happens to double as my best friend. And last, not only am I thankful to be a Mom, I'm incredibly thankful I get to be Mykenzi's Mom.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Remember to eat lots, laugh lots, and be thankful!
Gobble, Gobble!
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